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A Little History

Happy Easter to you! I'm so grateful that Jesus has conquered death and the grave and that HE now offers eternal life to each and every one of us - a true life in fellowship with our Creator.

Did you know that we have been having online services for the MOHI churches in Haiti? You can take a peek here.

Dr. Evens and Dr. Etienne continued to see patients this week at our medical clinic.

We're so grateful for compassionate staff in the clinic.

Although it seems to be an uphill battle, our staff continues instructing our neighbors to wash their hands often and practice social distancing.

Hunger remains our biggest concern for our students and neighbors. Please consider helping with a donation of $90 to purchase a sack of rice.

Today, I've been thinking about my history in Haiti. I had spent 10 months there, along with a couple dozen other Americans, back in 1989 at New Missions in Leogane. I felt like I'd given up so much to be there. I'd left behind friends and a close knit church community. Someone else would now decide when and what I could eat. I took cold showers and only had electricity for 3-4 hours a day. I usually had to walk 3 miles, often on muddy trails, to get to the village I was responsible for. I was so thrilled when God provided a bicycle for me so I could get there a little quicker.

Fast forward to the year 2000 when my family (Lex, Alexis [3 years old], AJay [2 years old]) and I moved to Grand-Goave. We knew no one in this new place. We had neither cell nor internet service - just like everyone else around us. It was a time of isolation in the midst of so many people. I often longed to be back in Leogane with clean water to drink and an assured 3 meals a day. Mostly, though, I longed to be with other people who understood me, like the missionaries I had served with all those years ago.

Fast forward another 20 years to now. Whether in Haiti or the US, I have internet access and cell phone service (most of the time anyway). Because of this, today I was able to connect with our churches in Haiti, our home church in Massachusetts, a church in Charlotte, and a church in West Palm Beach - AND I was still able to make an Easter dinner and enjoy our family time. I'm so grateful for the technological advancements made over the past three+ decades!

Social distancing and stay at home orders have obvious draw backs for our mental health. For me, it reminds me of those early days in Haiti when I felt that we had no one but Jesus to depend on daily. There is a message/reminder in there for me - it's always best to depend on Jesus every moment of every day. And as I am purposeful to entrust my life and all that it entails to HIM, I am free to look for ways to be a blessing to others.

Would you join me this week in praying for the people of Haiti? We don't know what the future will bring, but we do know the ONE who holds our future. May our friends in Haiti lift up their eyes to Jesus, trust HIM with their lives, and receive understanding, wisdom, and direction from HIM.

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