Highlights of the Week
Pastor Lex arrived back in Haiti last night. The church in Thozin was blessed to hear a message this morning about the love of God and to share the Lord's Table together.

We had a great week of school in the preschool...

...the primary school...

...and in the high school.

The dental clinic has had plenty of little patients to help this week.

The medical clinic has been seeing a lot of patients too.

Hats off to Bless Back Worldwide who has started shipping our medications for the clinic to us. What a blessing to so many!!!

Remember that bus engine we picked up in Ohio? Well, it has arrived. We're so grateful to our friends at Mission USA who are always ready to help us locate our more challenging big vehicle/generator needs.

It's always fun to see something catch the students interest. These picnic benches, built by Covenant Day School (Charlotte, NC) have been invaluable.

The students in our senior class are studying day and night right now, as they prepare for national exams. These exams are normally very stressful for the students. This year, even more so, because they missed so much school. Please join us in praying for them.

Thank you for all your prayers and support. You keep the mission open to meet needs and prepare folks for the future that is now and yet to come.