Our Story
Mission of Hope International was founded in March 2000 by Pastor Lexidan Edmé and his wife, Renée, in the village of Thozin, Grand-Goâve, Haiti. The mission of MOHI was to positively impact the population spiritually, physically and emotionally.
The first work to begin was spiritual, with a church plant in the front yard of a dear elderly gentleman named Pastor Bauvais Gabriel. He welcomed Mission of Hope with open arms and an open heart.
At this same time preparations were being made to open the Mission’s first school, with preschool through 3rd grade students, including children ages 3 to 17.
Lex was born and raised in Haiti and had moved to the US for several years prior to returning to Haiti to start the Mission. Because he is native to Haiti, he understands all the little nuances and language that foreigners may never pick up on.
Being American, Renée brings a different sense of order and accountability to the mission. Working together, Lex and Renée have brought a wonderful balance of Haitian/American values and skills to the mission field.
After so many years in Grand-Goâve, they are esteemed by their community and are known for being fair, sharing food and supplies with everyone, no matter their religious or political beliefs. They also are not easily taken advantage of, since Lex already knows all the tricks people are accustomed to playing on foreigners.
Today, Mission of Hope International works with many different organizations, churches, businesses and individuals, from countries across the world including Haiti, the USA, Canada, Germany, England, Scotland, Belgium, Sri Lanka, Israel, Japan and the Dominican Republic.
Pastor Lex & Renee have two children, Alexis & A.Jay. They reside in Massachusetts with their families.

Our Vision
Mission of Hope International operates as an interdenominational Christian outreach, working with all people and fulfilling the Great Commission as the hands and feet of Jesus.
We believe the Holy Bible is the Word of God, a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. We believe that all have sinned and are in need of eternal salvation.
We believe it is the responsibility of every believer in Jesus, to study and obey the Bible and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) in their lives.