God is Able

God meets us where we are and lovingly leads us along the path He's set before us. His sheep know His voice and follow. Lord, please give us eyes to see and ears to hear what you are saying to Your church today.
At the MOHI church in Thozin this morning, the Lord's presence was tangible in the worship services. Both services were well attended and God was definitely the midst of His people. People are so thrilled to be worshiping the Lord together once again.

The bus arrived in Haiti this week. This was a crazy quick turn around time. Lex and I are so grateful to all of you who invested of your time, prayers, and resources to make this happen. We were able to get the supplies off the bus as soon as it was let down off the boat. The bus itself should clear customs tomorrow. God has been so good to us!

The medical supplies we picked up in Charlotte from Bless Back Worldwide have also arrived. Our staff rejoiced at the sight of them, knowing that more people will find the medicines they need to fight off illnesses.

For the most part (and there have been exceptions!) COVID-19 in Haiti seems to be presenting like the flu. Those who contract it show symptoms of fever, body aches, fatigue, cough, and general discomfort. It usually lasts 3-4 days and that's it. Daily life is looking about the same as it did Pre-COVID. (I'm not judging whether this is good or not, just updating you on what's happening.)
The goat herd has fared well through this pandemic. They LOVE meal time and run to the truck when it arrives, hoping for fresh leaves from the missionary compound. Here Wilson is feeding some of them some wheat.

Lex will be heading back to Massachusetts later this week, as we are preparing to marry off our son, AJay. AJay and Cherie were to have married in May, but postponed the wedding due to the pandemic. They have been very patient and we are all looking forward to sharing in their joy soon. And I'm looking forward to having my man around again. Doesn't he look relaxed in this picture? It was taken at the port in Haiti after he was able to unload all the supplies from the bus. Phew!!!
By the way, did you notice the name of the boat???

Lex's message this morning was just that - God is able. When we put our trust in Him situations work out for our good. Amen.
Thank you for being a friend and partnering with us in this ministry in Haiti. There are so many critical needs for simply food, clothing, and shelter in addition to the spiritual need. I so appreciate the care you express to our neighbors in Haiti through your financial support, prayers, and words of encouragement. Thank you!