A Big Day

Today is a big in football in the US and a big day in politics in Haiti. I hope you all enjoy the game tonight and some good, private family time. Let's hope next year we can get back to those big Super Bowl parties!
There's a LOT of backstory, but I don't want to take up all of your time with politics nor do I want to share any personal political persuasions. What I do want to explain is that today was the day that the opposition to the current government set as the day for him to step down. They gave him until midnight, so this post will be up before we know if he stepped down or not, but it looks very unlikely. Actually, there was a plot to kill the president that was uncovered yesterday and the arrests began last night. Several very high profile people have been arrested and more are fleeing the country right now.

It is my prayer that God's will be done in Haiti as it is in heaven. It doesn't matter what my political persuasion is. The reality is that I want God's will to be done here on this earth and I want our Haitian brothers and sisters to be able to live a peaceful life in godliness. Would you join me in praying for Haiti this week?

Despite whatever the headlines have to say, It's exciting to see God touching people's lives all over the world. And for me, especially in Haiti. Stania came into our medical clinic this week, full of hope. She has been experiencing lower back pain, headaches, and chest pain. She had heard many people in her neighborhood testify about the clinic and their positive experiences. Over and over again she heard them say that the medicine they received at MOHI always works. (Now, I understand that would be from a combination of accurate diagnosis, as well as quality medications. Hats off to both the doctors and Bless Back Worldwide for providing so many important medications for treatments!)
Stania was so impressed with the way the staff treated her with respect - fully listening to her, responding with patience and kindess. She came to the clinic because of the medicine she hoped to receive and she didn't leave disappointed.

There has been a sudden increase in people coming to the clinic with very itchy rashes. Consequently we ran out of medication to treat people. We have located some medicine locally and are also expecting a shipment from Bless Back to clear customs soon. I'm praying for our patients who are suffering with such terrible itchiness and the very real possibility of secondary infections. Lord, have mercy.
Wilvia found herself in a difficult situation when she had a sudden and severe toothache. She didn't know what to do or where to go, so she began asking friends and family. They told her to go to the clinic at MOHI and she chose to follow their advise. She didn't learn too much about the clinic from them, but her visit with us this week was a great success. She will now encourage others who come to her for advice to come to the clinic, as well.

In Haiti we talk about Radio32. It's not an actual radio station, but rather what I would refer to as "the grapevine." (32 teeth in the mouth!) My time working in retail and food service in my younger days taught me about the importance of customer service. One bad experience will be talked about more often than 10 good ones. To hear the reputation our clinics have on Radio32 in Haiti just thrills me. And to know that people are being treated so respectfully when we aren't even around? Priceless. I thank God for the medical and dental staff the Lord has brought together at MOHI.
It was wonderful to see l'Eglise Evangelique Mission of Hope gather together this morning at the Thozin campus. Gotta' love Facebook Live!!!

On a day that has been long anticipated with great fear, to see so many gather rather than give in to those fears, just really blessed me. I have much to learn from my friends in Haiti!
