For Love
Pastor Lex returned to Haiti this week and, as usual, hit the ground running.

I think it's so fun when the Lord leads us in the same direction when we're not even together. I spent the day yesterday doing errands and thinking about how neat it is to know that God is with me at each stop - and along the way, too. I found myself giggling with him about different things at different moments and just really enjoying that I had HIS company. This morning, I was watching the MOHI church service online. Pastor Lex was talking about being able to laugh, no matter the circumstances. It's what I woke up thinking about.
It was also fun to see this little video clip. It's our Youth Dance Team, as they were performing at the end of the service this morning. I'm so happy that Elange has continued to work with the young people in this way.
I shared about triplets who came to our medical clinic a few weeks ago. The mom, Marie Rose, is a recent widow with a total of twelve children. Lex went in search of them this weekend. He found them in Ikondo (the mountain village behind our main campus), where they rent a small room. Yes, thirteen people sleep in an 11'x13' room! He found the triplets all have colds, but seem to be doing fine.

Because of a friend's generosity, Lex was able to bring several big sacks of food and a 5 gallon jug of oil with him to leave with them.

What a blessing to see the joy and excitement for the food!

He also discovered that Marie Rose was not able to afford school for some of the children, so he asked her to come sign them up for school at MOHI. With your help, she won't have to pay for them to attend.

Would you join us in praying for this family whenever they come to your mind? And if you would like to be a part of answering prayers for their well-being, please consider making a donation to help cover school and food expenses. Thank you.

When Lex arrived at the airport in Haiti, he stopped at Missionary Flights International (MFI) before heading to Grand-Goave. Bless Back World Wide had sent lots of supplies for the clinics. Blessings International provides medications at a greatly reduced rate and MFI rounds out the collaborations with low cost shipping. How awesome it is to see organizations work so well together to bring the Gospel and humanitarian care to the poor and hurting. We are so grateful for each one!

Erilia came to the dental clinic after 2 weeks of pain. She shared with us that she really appreciated that the dentist took the time to talk to her about the structure of her teeth, so that she could understand more about how her body was created and how it functions.

Rebecca LOVES the library!!!

Our preschool students are so good at sharing and working together!

I'm praying for you, my friends. I may not know what your specific needs are today, but I know the ONE who does! Nothing is too difficult for HIM.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! It's a good time to consider what love is - or WHO, as the case may be - and how we can live out that love each moment of every day in Christ.
