
Smiles are remarkable things. They are an important aspect of communication between us. Smiles usually express what's happening on the inside of us. Those smiles that cause even the eyes to light up are the best. Our grandson just celebrated his 4th birthday. His smile as the birthday cake came out with everyone singing loudly - priceless! Seeing that smile offered me the opportunity to experience his joy, as well.
A smile can express safety. Lex had jury duty this past week. It reminded me of my own experiences with jury duty. I always find it stressful to appear at the courthouse for jury duty. Will I arrive on time? Will I find parking? Will I go to the correct entrance? Will I fit in with the other people present? Arriving and finding someone who smiles at me, seems to melt all that stress away and somehow I know it'll be okay.

A smile during a worship service can in and of itself be an expression of worship. Without even saying a word, I can express my gratitude, my joy, my contentment, my awareness of being in the presence of the LORD. When I think of all HE has done in my own the lives of our students, our staff, our neighbors in Haiti... in the lives of my family and friends... I smile.
Sometimes it's hard to smile. That lack of a smile communicates, as well. So often people who come to the medical clinic are not smiling.

Discomfort, pain, and fear are all smile stealers! Our hearts hurt and our prayers go up for each one.

And we have HOPE! We pray with them. The doctors consult them. We provide tests, treatments, and medications.

Many times their smiles return before they head home. Joselène shared with us, "These two teeth made me cry for three days! Thanks to Dr. Mabou, they won't make me cry anymore."

We had a hard time getting Josena to get out of the chair, she was so busy smiling after Dr. Mabou checked her teeth.

We see smiles all day long on the faces of our students. Going to school is a privilege for which they are grateful. They feel good about their accomplishments and enjoy recognition, too.

Pastor Lex was smiling as he headed back to Haiti this weekend. It's hard to tell with that mask on though!

Lex and I are so grateful for our North-Central Massachusetts friends who came out to help us stuff and seal envelopes this weekend. There were lots of smiles - and lots of concentrating, too.

The construction crews have been working hard all week at the Port-au-Prince campus.

What a joy to see smiles on the faces of these men who are so grateful to have found a job!
I hope seeing this progress makes you smile. If not, knowing these little ones are eating every day should cause a smile to come to your lips.

The students at the Thozin, Grand-Goave campus started 3rd-period exams this past week. Certainly, they will look back on these days and smile.

I can't help but smile when I watch the little ones enjoying playtime so much!

"O give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting" - 1 Chronicles 16:34
I am thankful and I smile as I think of you today. Thank you for your care, your love, your support, and your prayers.
