
Pastor Lex is back in Massachusetts for a short time before heading back to Haiti. I am grateful for the Lord's direction in our lives. Whether the circumstances are pleasant or horrifying, the truth remains: We are never alone. Our lives are not our own. There is more blessing in giving than in receiving. What we do for one, we do for the KING. Nothing will be impossible with God.
As I have been considering the situation in Haiti today, the accountings of Jesus looking out over Jerusalem and weeping came to mind. Why would HE weep? HE was fully God and fully man. He knows the end from the beginning and yet HE wept. I don't believe HE wept from despair or hopelessness. I believe HE wept for the suffering HIS beloved people would endure. No one wants to see those they love suffer. If I weep today, it is for the pain and suffering of the people I love in Haiti.

My heart is so heavy for Haiti today. Uncertainty and fear have reached into every nook and cranny of this nation. Despite the fear and uncertainty, despite the violence, despite the hunger and poverty, I am full of hope for this nation and her people. God has not left the people of Haiti. HE will not leave them. He will not forsake them. I hurt for their suffering, but I know that Jesus is the answer for us all.
How blessed we are to be a part of a great community of faith! We reached out to our friends and supporters to participate in the "Haiti in Crisis Response" and so many answered immediately. Thank you!!!

We have already reached 30% of the $100,000 goal for stocking food for students in 15 schools, their families, and addressing security and fuel concerns. Wow!!!

We have over 50 babies in the Ravine area near the Christian Light School enrolled in a baby feeding program. This week we were able to provide them with rice and beans to bring home to their families, too.

Little by little funds have been coming in to help our new friend, Marie Rose. She is a recent widow, mother of triplet infants, as well as 9 other children. They all sleep in a 10x11' rented room. Shortly after meeting her, we put 5 of her children into our main school and began providing food and healthcare for the family.

This week land was cleared in preparation for constructing a home for Marie Rose and her children.

We were not created to be alone. How wonderful it is to see our friends in Grand-Goave gather this morning to worship and listen to the preaching of God's word!

Taina brought her little girl, Kenslove to the medical clinic at MOHI this past week. They rode on a motorcycle taxi from the neighboring city of Petit-Goave. She had heard so many good reports about the medicines here that she encouraged four other people to come, as well. Dr. Yvens patiently went over Kenslove's medical history with Taina, examined the baby, and prescribed appropriate medications to treat Kenslove's issues. Taina was able to get everything right on site in the pharmacy for free.

It's not easy for different nonprofit organizations to work together, but when we make that effort the results can be truly amazing. Partnering with Bless Back Worldwide has enabled the medical clinic to become a beacon of hope for not only Grand-Goave, but in all the neighboring communities and beyond. The standards, protocols, medicines, and testing abilities have all soared. People like Taina and Kenslove are reaping the benefits today.

Like so many of us, Orelien was in need of dental care but was afraid to go to a dentist. Her sister told her about the dental clinic at MOHI and encouraged her to give it a try. She worked up the courage to take a motorcycle taxi down the long, rocky road from her home in the mountains, to come see Dr. Mabou. After her consultation, Orelien was excited to tell us about her visit. She loved that Dr. Mabou took the time to explain to her what she discovered in her mouth and she showed her pictures and other materials to make sure that she understood. She's no longer afraid and she even feels better about herself now. And of utmost importance to her? The work she needed was very affordable, so she was able to have it all done. We are so grateful to Mission USA for helping to establish and support this dental clinic for the community of Grand-Goave!

National exams are scheduled to begin tomorrow for all our 9th-grade students. Would you please pray for these youngsters? Not only for their minds to be clear and that they can easily recall all the material they've learned, but even more so for peace and safety. Our students at the Christian Light School in Port-au-Prince are assigned to a test site close to the school, which is good, but they don't all live right next to the school. Students from St Etienne and Grand-Goave will be traveling to Petit-Goave. Let's cover them all with our prayers!!!

Here are a few pictures from these students' official entry certificates.

We are so grateful for all our donors! Together we are able to accomplish great things! Those great things require infrastructure which requires plenty of maintenance. We've been using the big blue truck at Christian Light School to haul food for the students back to the school. Rust on the frame caused the back gate to fall right off. That's one of many maintenance projects that need to be addressed, but this one should be done this week.

Thank you again for your active participation in positively impacting the lives of so many in Haiti!!! If you'd like to help provide food as a part of the "Haiti in Crisis Response," please click on the button below. Thank you!