Lex's Problem and More
Pastor Lex has had a little problem lately. He's constantly being followed by bleating goats. I wonder why?

Thirteen year old Jean Ely (or Ti Ely, as we call him...meaning Little Ely), has been attending the MOHI school in Thozin since he was 3 years old.

He lives on the mountain right behind the school and can usually be found in the school yard on weekends, before and after school. I think it's one of his very favorite places to be! That may be because he loves to play soccer and to practice his English. He's also very involved in the church and can often be seen at the drums.

Currently in the 7th grade, Ti Ely just loves to learn! He seems to have a great appreciation for his school and the opportunities he finds at MOHI. He's hoping to one day become an engineer. Thank you to all of you who help to make schooling available to him!!!
We held a big outreach clinic this week in Petiti-Goave. These clinics are valuable in not only helping people who are not feeling well at the moment, but we can encourage people with chronic illnesses (like hypertension and diabetes) to come to the clinic in Thozin where the doctors can help them manage these conditions with screenings and medications.

I think our dentists really have their work cut out for them, but they are up for the challenge! Here's a before and after picture...

As we continue to navigate our new world norms, I find myself praying more and more for all of you. So many are suffering physically, emotionally, spiritually - it's an all on attack. I think of times in scripture where Jesus was in the world - the storms, the illnesses, the oppressions, the persecutions, the verbal onslaughts... but He wasn't OF the world. HE knew who HIS FATHER was.
How about this story?...

Jesus was interceding for Peter long before Peter's betrayal, and HIS prayer was answered. Yes, Peter still suffered, but God brought HIM through that valley into the green pastures beyond - and he brought thousands with him!
Let us all continue to pray for one another, knowing that God is not limited by what's going on around us!