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The Journey

Do you have a goal? A destination you're heading toward? Maybe you have several. I sure do. Today, on Father's Day (Happy Father's Day all you dads!!!), I'm realizing that our lives are so much more than simply achieving those goals. We have a final destination to aim for: to live for all eternity with Jesus. Isn't it interesting though that we also have a "life span" - it's more than just a destination - it's a period of time prior to arriving. Why weren't we just born and taken to heaven? Could it be that the journey of our earthly lives is significant? Could it be that we can enjoy the moment? Enjoy the journey? Learn something now? Make a difference in someone else's life along the way? Could someone get a glimpse of Jesus by knowing you? Remember, the journey is important, too!

This past week in Haiti the 2020-2021 school year came to an end, as ordered by the federal government. Masks have made a comeback, as a new variant of COVID-19 seems to be making the rounds. Kidnappings and violence in certain areas have remained problematic - particularly for traveling in and out of Port-au-Prince. The international community continues to consider how to help Haiti move forward.

Pastor Lex returned to Haiti Monday and has had an amazingly productive week. I think his biggest job when he is physically in Haiti is to communicate the vision and motivate the team. To that end, he has been having lots of meetings. He met with the majority of the students and some of the staff at Christian Light School this week, too, as we prepare to lead the ministry happening on that campus.

Summer vacation is never a vacation for those running a school! There are national exams that students continue to prepare for with their teachers. There are report cards and plenty of data that needs to be entered into permanent records. Some students need summer school or tutoring. There are always repairs (benches, chairs, tables, chalkboards...) and painting that has to happen before school opens at the end of August. The school administration goes over what worked and what didn't work this past year. How many classes will we need this next year? Can we take any new students? Are there any more furnishings needed for the classrooms? Create class schedules. Interview and hire a teaching staff with the necessary availability... the list goes on and on.

The medical clinic is a blessing to so many. Having the pharmacy and lab on-site makes our doctors' jobs easier and more complete. Blessing, blessing, blessing!!!!

Meanwhile, here I am in Jacksonville entering data ... entering data ... entering data! 15 hours yesterday! Yet for the joy set before me... I am so excited to get everything organized in one place and be able to manage everything! I was happy to spend one afternoon with Sherrie going over some of the zillions of details about the Christian Light School.

God is good. He is faithful. I love the freedom in understanding that HIS plan does not depend on my abilities. Time after time we've seen HIM bring things about that we could never make happen ourselves. Being able to admit our weaknesses doesn't LIMIT us. On the contrary, it opens the door for the Lord to do above and beyond all we could ask or think by HIS Spirit at work in us and through us! I'm excited to see what God has in store for our students in this next school year - in Grand-Goave, Saint Etienne, and Port-au-Prince.

Will you let the Lord use you to help make it happen??? Please pray for peace in Haiti!!! Please pray for safety for each person who is touched by our ministry in Haiti. And please continue to provide the financial support that pays the staff, maintains the buildings, provides food, materials, supplies, electricity... and HOPE! Together we can continue to positively impact thousands of lives with the love of Christ. Thank you!


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