Can You Feel the Love?
Everyday I witness so much love and caring between our missionaries, staff, students, church members, and neighbors. I’m so grateful for the wonderful community that I have become a part of. Is it perfect? Hardly! Do I always feel the love? Heh! NOT! It’s hard to say whether there is more good than there used to be or if my perception has changed because I love more than I used to. Perhaps it’s a little of both. Whichever it is, I do have every confidence that the Lord is with me and He is showing me the good all around me.
I hope you enjoy the pictures this week!

Welcome to Leah’s old classmates (we’re talkin’ PRESCHOOL here!), Carly and Kristy! They are also nurses. Carly works in Maryland and Kristy in California. Looking forward to a great week with them!

The boys love hanging out on the motorcycles and dreaming of one day.

Leah has a friend (actually she has a LOT of friends!)

Worship Service this Morning in Thozin

Baptisms this morning in front of the missionary compound

Joel and Wilamane


Lex being a grandpa

A little soccer in the heat of the day

Renord and his staff keep track of all the tools and supplies at MOHI.

Cheno has a bike. It makes hauling water quite a bit easier.

Are you feeling the love?

Preschoolers getting ready to form a line – it’s a process.

Toy guns are popular in more than one culture.

Preschool Beauties

Elementary Students

Nurse Ruth


A newbie waiting for her turn in the clinic

The mobile medical clinic in St. Etienne

School time in St. Etienne

A teacher in St. Etienne sharing the love with her student

We trimmed some trees at the missionary compound and now we have cooking fuel for the school in St. Etienne.

Pouring the second floor on the water tower in St. Etienne.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support!