On the Road Again
Lex and I are driving to Ohio today, so it’s a bit challenging to get this post written. (Bumpy, and I can only go for so long before motion sickness attacks.) But I so want to share some pictures and let you know what’s been happening this week. So, here we go…
We joined Pastor Carlos & Rita Pereira this morning at the Evangelical Church in Fall River, MA. The Lord definitely met us there. The worship and preaching were anointed, as was the time of prayer with many of the people present.
“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” -Joshua 1:8
We appreciate so much the encouragement we received individually from so many in the church. Many of the church members are very faithful supporters for MOHI and we are so grateful for their continuous prayers for all of us in Haiti.
AJay is officially registered to attend Minuteman Career and Technical High School. We had lots of running around to do, information to gather, etc., but we are happy to have this matter settled now. Alexis graduates Saturday. I am sooooooooooo excited to be there with her!
Friday was Lex’s birthday. It was a very special day, as our little cousins Coralie (10) and Chloe (5) were eagerly awaiting Lex’s arrival. They did a special “gymnastics show” for Lex and Chloe spent a good hour wrapping up a baggie of cheese puffs for his birthday gift. Angela sent him a video of Nathan wishing him a happy birthday, with was very special, too. Alexis asked me to make sure I took him to Kimball Farms for an ice cream, which I did. We did miss being with Alexis and AJay (who are both in Oklahoma right now) and our other small “grandkids” in Haiti – I know, none of them are “actual” grandkids, but we still see them that way!

Special acrobatic stunts by the amazing Coralie and the stunning Chloe!
In Haiti things have been going well. Last week I told you that the generator broke down. This week I spoke with Fred Muffet (Mission USA) about getting the parts ordered. Come to find out Tim Stiles has the same exact motor at his house. He needed to replace the block in another engine, but all the other parts are still there and he has graciously made them available to us. Where is Tim? In Akron, Ohio, of course – which is where we are headed right now. We had already planned to be there tomorrow, but we didn’t know that this major need would be met there. Praise God! He knows our needs before we do and He provides for them right on time!
I get regular reports from Gardith concerning the medical ministry. So many people are having their physical needs attended to in our clinics. Our staff is learning and growing and our students and community members are benefiting from that. In Haiti we talk about news traveling via “Radio 32″ (32 teeth in the mouth – aka word of mouth). Well, apparently Radio 32 reaches to the southern-most areas of les Anglais and Dame Marie, as we’ve had patients who have come by boat and stayed with friends just to visit the clinic. Likewise people from the island of la Gonave have been coming to be consulted and treated. They are hearing about good doctors who explain what’s happening in their bodies and good, reliable medicines. We are so grateful to Bless Back Worldwide for providing high quality medicines on a regular basis for our patients – and to many of you who have collected over-the-counter medications for the clinic! Thank you!!!
Here are some pictures from this week:

Looking for a little assistance from classmates?

So many precious moms and babies find help at the MOHI Medical Clinic.

Students love preparing for and celebrating Flag Day at MOHI!

Feeding in the preschool


Wilson makes sure the plants are watered every morning.