G3 WWLM Heier Kind of Week
Team G3 joined us for a week of clinics, outreaches, and fun with the kiddos. They came bearing treats, medicines, soccer balls, and more. They assisted in the medical clinic.

Everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy their interactions with the students.

Their visit to the storm ravaged areas of Port Salut gave them the opportunity to help many hurting souls with medical care, food, and clothing. This video, from the previous week, gives you a good idea of what the setup looks like.
In the middle of the week our friends from World-Wide Lighthouse Missions joined us. WWLM shipped tools and supplies for the students that these six men are teaching carpentry skills to this week.

Both teams had a very special afternoon, visiting our neighbors in the Galet, near the missionary compound. They gave out food and clothing, prayed with families and loved on the kids.

Friday, our dear friends, Bob & Sally Heier, joined in the fun. Here's what Sally wanted to share with you:
"Traveling to Haiti is always an adventure. We had a four hour trip from the airport to our place of rest. Two teams had arrived prior to us getting settled. It was truly an inspiration sharing faith and experiences with new friends. Working with the Haitian people was the icing on the cake. Church was amazing. Bob gave the message in church. His opening remarks were that it would be great to take some of the excitement and spirit experienced in the singing and testimonies home with us. God is good all the time and He is still the God of miracles."

The testimony at church this morning was from Rosenie. She is the mother of four who we were raising money for so she could go to Cuba for desperately needed cancer treatment. She came back to Haiti this week. Everyone was so happy to see her at church this morning! She shared of the amazing care she received - not just from doctors, but from the Lord. She told us the doctors were amazed at how quickly the treatments took effect. She will be traveling to Cuba for the final round of treatment in April. Thank you so much to all of you who prayed and gave. Please don't give up now. With your help, she's beating this thing!

We enjoyed celebrating Angie's birthday with her Friday. Look at that cake Angela made for her!!!

I love that we can be in Haiti, surrounded by incredible people, serving Jesus and loving it! Thank you to all of you who keep us lifted up in prayer and those who partner with us financially. It's an incredible journey that we could never take alone. Blessings to you this week!