Volunteer Opportunity
This has been our first year of implementing the MOHI Education Cooperative. It has been more than I could have hoped for. Designed to enhance the learning experience for expat/missionary kids in our area, this cooperative provides up to 3 days of cooperative learning in support of Home School families per week.

Alicia D'Olimpio has done a wonderful job of choosing the curriculum, organizing "school" for our first six students, and faithfully making school a great experience for each one of them. Alicia came to Haiti in August to serve our community in the cooperative and will complete her term in mid-June. She's done an amazing job and we're just so proud of her. Now we need to find someone to continue what Alicia started for these families.

We are looking for a volunteer cooperative director, ready to begin soon, arrive in Haiti by the end of August and work through next June. There will be days off and weeks of vacation when the director can choose to return home for a visit, but mostly this person will be living at the missionary compound by the ocean in Grand-Goave. This is also where the classes take place. This individual needs to love being with children and be competent to teach. However they are not required to have teaching credentials from their home country, although they would certainly be welcomed.

If you would like to learn more about this opportunity to be a blessing to these families, please drop me a quick note. I will get you some more information and connect you with Alicia. We are happy to consider anyone who is interested - single or with a family. We have more than enough work to go around - including the days that classes aren't being taught.
I'd like to give a shout out to our niece, Angela Parayson, for putting on a smashing party today for her son, Nathan, and I. Nathan and I have shared a birthday for the past 8 years. This year was extra special as we shared it together with our closest family and friends in Haiti. Great food and good times with the kiddos. Here are a few of the pictures Angela shared on Facebook:

I want to thank World Wide Lighthouse Missions, once again, for sending a wonderful team of men to work with some of the young people here at MOHI. They taught them carpentry skills, built a storage shed, and a couple of homes for hurricane victims.

We had a wonderful celebration with them all on Friday night, including a meal, Cokes, cupcakes, and a certificate. We are so proud of our students, too, who really put their all into learning these important skills that can lead to future income for them and their families. Chapo ba! (Hats off!)

I love it when Pastor Lex uses people and/or props in his messages to the church. This morning he used props that were very common to those of us there, but may be foreign to many of you. Three rocks and a pot are commonly used for cooking in Haiti. This served for several examples, like how firmly we are supported in our lives by the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. He also showed us what happens when we get off balance. Do you know what happens when you remove one of the three rocks? Yep - the pot falls right into the fire.

Thank you to all of you who take the time to stay up to date on what's happening at MOHI, and those who enable it all!!!