Bring It On!
There have been a lot of changes in our lives over the past couple of years and there are some major events about to happen. It's really exciting, but it's also a lot to handle at once. I do covet your prayers at this time.

The biggest change? Our kids have been living in the States without us. Many thanks to their fill-in parents, Dr. Gary & Melissa Lee, and Revs. Paul & Cheryl Minor!!! These couples and their families made sacrifices to really enable our kids to transition into life in a different culture, without mom and dad, and into adulthood. Lex and I are so grateful. I have to admit, however, that "Empty Nest Syndrome" rots! I much prefer the "Terrible Twos!"

Our son, AJay, is about to graduate from high school. I like the question author, Andy Andrews asks, "Can you make yourself do something you don’t want to do in order to get a result you really want?" If so, that's called discipline. And that's what finishing high school has taken. Lex and I are so proud of AJay's hard work.

Our daughter, Alexis, will be getting married in the Fall. I've enjoyed getting to know Alain. And I love that he so often brings Biblical wisdom and understanding to the table. I am so excited for both of them!!!

We have been, and continue to prepare for Soulfest this Summer. We are excited for the Light of Hope to be performing again. We are also thrilled to have the opportunity to present the mission on the main stage Thursday and Saturday nights. If you love Christian music or learning more about social justice, you really should join us at Soulfest. This will be their 20 year anniversary and there will be LOTS of your favorite bands and performers.

Lex and I will be heading to MA in a couple of weeks to be involved in all of these activities and more. AND, Lord willing, we will have the opportunity to live together as a family of four until the big event in September.

There are several churches that have asked us to come share about the mission over the next few months. We're looking to visiting some new churches, too. If you are a church leader or pastor, please consider inviting us to share with your congregation, too. We love to talk about the people of Haiti and how the Lord is touching people's lives here. In return, we hope that God would touch people's hearts and make them softer and more compassionate. Maybe they can see themselves visiting Haiti or visiting a neighbor down the road to show the love of Jesus. Please contact us if you're interested in meeting up.

Despite all the major events that are taking so much of my concentration these days, things are still moving forward here in Haiti. Young and old alike are responding to the Gospel message. People are experiencing joy and peace, even in difficult circumstances. And we're all learning and making friends.
There are many ways of blessing the community with our radio station. This week Dr. Emmanuel gave a health talk about conjunctivitis (which has been RAMPANT) and cholera prevention. My "very serious" husband interviewed him.

These are two hats he wears pretty much daily.
This last picture's a little late, but I'll share it anyway. We had so much fun celebrating birthdays with Alicia and Cassandra - our birthday twins. Cassandra has been working with Gama and Angela. It was fun to get our missionary families together. I really love this picture. Beyond the birthday girls and their pieces of cake, there's Faith purposely photo bombing and Tony in the background accidentally photo bombing. I'm so blessed to be sharing life with such a diverse group of friends, brothers, and sisters in the Lord!

Thank you for your tremendous support - especially in prayer!