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How Available Are You?

"Are you making yourself available?" That was the subject of Lex's message this morning at Grace Church in Ventura, CA. Maybe some of us don't see how we could make time to come to Haiti, but in the midst of our extremely busy schedules, there really is time to be available to God.

I think sometimes we forget that God really is with us 24/7. In our communications with others (at work, school, play, family time, heading to bed, out with friends, family reunions, at the grocery store, etc...) we can really listen and respond as the Holy Spirit guides us (or gives utterance, as the case may be).

I've had many opportunities to watch farmers at work, both in Haiti and in the USA. The most joyous moment is when the harvest is ready. However, most of the work happens long before harvest. Land has to be cleared and plowed, perhaps fertilized or mixed with another type of soil (or peat moss?). Seeds need to be purchased, planted, and watered. Weeds need to be eliminated from time to time and the plants need sunshine and water, water and sunshine, sunshine and water... Until finally, one day the crop is ready to be harvested.

Some of these steps take many, many hours to perform. Some of them can be done with just a few minutes each day. Each one of them is important to the harvest.

When I was 17 years old, I was visiting my roommate's mother's home with her. A woman from the mother's church stopped by for a visit. I noticed how smiley the mom was the whole time the woman was there, as they talked about things that didn't concern me. As she prepared to leave, she asked me to choose one of her pins to keep. The one I chose said, "God loves you." I didn't understand what that meant, but I wore that pin on my jacket for months. It struck a chord in me.

That was a very small thing that woman did. It took her about 90 seconds. I have no idea who she was. She has no idea who I am. She was available and God used her to plant a seed of love into my heart. And that seed grew until I realized that I needed to experience that love in the form of God's Son, Jesus.

My high school friend, Angie, was available for God to use in a more lengthy task - telling me the Gospel story and sharing her excitement about it with me. God used those conversations to show me that I could follow Him and have eternal life.

I am convinced the Lord will use anyone who makes themselves available. Do you want to be used in a BIG way? Be available for the LITTLE ways.

We received exciting news this week. For the 7th year in a row, all of our high school seniors passed their national exams. Praise God! Congratulations to the students, their parents, and the entire school staff at MOHI!

MOHI continues to have a 100% pass rate. And I'm so excited about our statistic for post secondary education. Nationally less than 1% of Haitian students graduating from high school continue their formal education. At MOHI that number is just over 70%!!! Isn't that exciting?!!!

Job creation is key to keeping that rate high. Join us in Haiti for a week of investing in our students. Share your knowledge and experience with young people who are full of hope and eager to learn from you. Bring your friends and family members along on a Haitian Education Expedition. Contact us to get the ball rolling!

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