There Be Electricity!
Good afternoon from cool and cloudy Massachusetts! Yes, Lex and I returned Stateside Tuesday evening, leaving the mission in the capable hands of our leadership team back in Grand-Goave.
We are so blessed to have the new generator up and running at the Thozin campus. Our solar capability has also been increased. We are so grateful to each of you who helped to make this happen. We have some adjustments to make in order the solar system and generator to work together. We are trusting the Lord to guide us in making it happen.
It was another good week of school. We're so grateful that schools continue to function and the political climate in our area remains much better than it was previously. Here are a couple of pictures of Melissa. Do you know who she is? She's that baby that was born right under the MOHI sign at the Thozin campus. Isn't she a beauty??? She's a student at MOHI and that's her mom, Mireille with her.
36 MOHI friends who shop at Amazon have generated over $700 for MOHI by using the Amazon Smile site. Would you add your purchases to theirs? It's simple.
Copy and paste this address into your browser window:
You will be asked one time to choose the charity you'd like to support. Look for Mission of Hope International and click on it.
You still sign into your own account and shopping is exactly the same, but when you use the Amazon Smile page, a percentage of all the money you spend is donated to MOHI.
It's a great way to help us, while not putting a burden on yourself.
Soccer is the never ending sport in Haiti. Every little boy plays it as soon as they begin to walk. Each Saturday morning the MOHI coach works with the young men and women in our school for physical training and this week our boy's soccer team played.
I hope you caught this morning's worship service in Thozin on Facebook Live. Our St. Etienne campus has a church, too and do they know how to sing with gusto!
The men in Thozin had a moment together after their church service. It's always special to have a meeting in the library, right?!!! They had a time of prayer and sharing about the vision and how the men might become more involved in the church.
Isn't this a lovely bleeding heart? It came from cuttings our friend Esther brought to us. I think of her every time I see it and it makes me feel happy.
Lex and I both got hit with the flu on Friday - which happened to be my birthday. Oy!!! It's made for a slow re-entry process for us, but we were so happy to see our kids again and begin seeing our friends and partners here again. If you think of us, please do lift us up to the Father. We know that we are weak (in and of ourselves), but we also believe that in that weakness God's power will be made known!