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Masking in May

Happy May to you! Lex and I are praying for you. May this month be full of days of encouragement, joy, peace, and health!

Good news...We've received donations to give out 700 masks so far! How awesome are you guys?!!!

Please keep them coming! "Men anpil, chaj pa lou!" "Many hands make light work!"

I want to tell you about our friend, Jess, from Westminster, MA. She's one of those very crafty people - you know, those amazing folks that can make beautiful things out of most anything? Yep, that's the one.

Jess was already sewing face masks for people locally, during a 14-day quarantine period, when she heard of our face mask project at MOHI. Not wanting to profit off the pandemic, she decided to give the funds she had earned selling her masks to MOHI to purchase masks for our friends and neighbors in Haiti. She set a goal of selling enough of her homemade masks locally, to be able to provide 100 masks for Haiti. Quickly, she more than doubled her goal!!!

Jess goes back to work tomorrow, but still has orders coming in. I love that God opened a door and she chose to walk right in. He has blessed the work of her hands! She also was blessed in return, as she was able to see many friends from a distance when they picked up their masks. Sounds like a win-win to me!

Please continue to pray with us for our medical staff. They are on the front line in Haiti, where no one wants to be right now. We're praying that the Holy Spirit would provide encouragement, comfort, and strength for them today, tomorrow, and all week long.

I'm so grateful for Angela Parayson and Angie Sutton, two of my favorite missionary friends in Haiti. They have been participating and leading in the music ministry at Eglise Evangelique Mission of Hope for several years, now. What a blessing that, during this time of social distancing, they are still being a critical part of the church's ministry. Hats off to them both, and to my amazing husband, who continues preaching in the church online.

It is still mango season in Haiti. These mangoes are from a tree at MOHI's Missionary Compound (aka Cayes Mirliton, for those of you who know the place personally). Pastor Hakine, Djimy, Beatrice, Rebecca, and Jessica are enjoying them without us right now.

Beatrice shared a picture of Pastor Hakine purchasing some fish in front of the Missionary Compound recently. I thought you might enjoy seeing the dug out canoe and the fish.

Thank you for your generosity during these difficult times - you are joining us at MOHI in ministering life to others - spirit, soul, and body.

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