Joyfully Working
🎼Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere. 🎼Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share.🎼
That seemed like a nonstop song in our home when Alexis and AJay were little. Eventually, I realized that it would never end. I'm grateful for the staff in Haiti who are great at cleaning up, but also at teaching the children to clean up, too.

Pastor Lex has a knack for blending in with a crowd. He loves to sit back and observe. Here he is at the feeding program in Little Paradise, as the children prepare to be served.

Here are some little ones from the St Etienne Feeding Program...

Edras has been doing a great job teaching the children English this year. Apparently English isn't his only strength. He's already preparing for the preschoolers coming in September!

Children love singing to and about Jesus. Here's one group at our Thozin campus learning the words for "Here I Am to Worship..."
It's so heartbreaking to see children get hurt. I thank the Lord for providing a medical clinic to respond and make an immediate difference when accidents happen. Nurse Wolfyne had this little guy stitched up and ready to go in no time!

The medical and dental clinics are open to the public. Our neighbors truly appreciate the opportunity to be seen and treated by our medical staff.

Asley, the laboratory technician, has done an incredible job this first year. She is a hard worker, professional, serious about the details of her work, and kind to her patients.

Summertime is an important part of the school year. It brings a greatly appreciated break for the teachers and students. For administrators and maintenance crews, however, summer brings deep thinking, hard manual labor, and waaaaay too much heat with the sunshine! Right now repairs are being made to the sitting area under the mango tree.

Jephte, Sovanel, and Yvens are going through all the speakers to determine what repairs are needed as they excitedly prepare for our upcoming annual church conference.

This week the Haitian government declared July 7th a legal holiday in Haiti in memory of President Jovenel Moise, who was assassinated in his home last summer. One year later, the country still has no president, and no concrete plan for elections. At a time when many people are hiding in their homes, it's hard to imagine how or when a secure election could possibly happen. Nevertheless, our hope remains steadfast in the LORD...

We are praying for our senior class as they head to their national exams this week. Would you join us in lifting them up?

We are getting closer to choosing a home base in the Dominican Republic! I want to share all the details with you, but I know I need to be patient. I will tell you, however, that the area we are feeling drawn to is very rural, but not too long of a trip from two major cities and there are Haitian communities in the area. Please do stay tuned!!! Oh, and for those of you who already know you want to be a part of the return of missions trips, here's a local beach in the area that just might be enjoyed at the end of a long day of work...

When we moved to Haiti, 22 years ago, our pastor shared something with us that I have never forgotten. We are like garden hoses. The Lord will use us to take water from the Source to share with the thirsty. The water is intended for others, but as the hose (me) is used it also gets wet. Every time an unexpected blessing comes my way, I remember that conversation. Jesus said, "For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." (Matt. 16:25) Shall we determine to lose our lives today? Lay aside our own desires - pick up the cross and follow Him...and truly find LIFE - unending and abundant? YES!!!
