Double Whammy
Tropical Storms
Danny and Ericka both weakened before landing in Haiti this past week. Danny, the weaker of the two, actually caused more problems for us at Mission of Hope International than Ericka did. Ericka, however, caused a major landslide in Carries and claimed the lives of four people.
We have put a lot of time and effort into keeping the Thozin campus from flooding, but it’s still happening. The water comes down the mountain and overflows the big ditch next to the road. It backs up into the road and then manages to get over the hump in front of our gate and comes into the yard. We’re grateful for the help of local missionaries who are helping us to come up with a plan to keep the water out.

Where the front yard of Thozin flooded
At this point, we are beginning to fill in the lowest area of the Thozin campus. The priority, however, was getting the church area dried up so the Sunday morning service could happen. Our staff and crew were successful there!

Getting ready for Sunday morning (can’t be going to church in the mud!)

Sunday morning in Thozin

Thozin Church Service
School Opens Tomorrow
As is sometimes the case, we were down to the wire getting everything ready for the opening of school tomorrow.

Finishing up the “upgraded” classrooms

New School Furnishings
Medical Care
The medical clinic has continued serving our students and community over the summer. The very young and the very old are most at risk. We are honored to be able to help them when they’re facing sickness.

Medical Clinic
Annual Meet & Greet
We’d love to see you before we head back to Haiti. If you live in New England, please join us this Saturday (9/5/15) for our annual Meet and Greet in Westminster, MA. Drop in at 141A Bragg Hill Rd any time between 1 and 5pm. Take advantage of this time to catch up with the missionaries, ask questions, see and hear updates and enjoy an afternoon of yummy food and friendly interaction with other MOHI friends. Bring a favorite dish if you’d like, but feel free to stop in without one. There’s always more than enough for everyone. Hope to see you there!

Join us Saturday, Sep. 5th!