Spring in Charlotte
Things seem to have calmed down significantly in Haiti this week. There are some next steps in place to hopefully bring more lasting peace to the country. We continue to pray for this peace.
We've been having such a great week with our friends here in Charlotte! First of all, it was only the end of February and this is what we were experiencing...

Isn't it beautiful? Leaves are poking out on the maples and daffodils are in FULL bloom. It's just a crazy sight for this New Englander, who just left the single digit temperatures of Massachusetts.
We have been so blessed by our Bless Back Worldwide family here. We are especially grateful to the Roper and McCloy families for hosting us in their homes. It was so fun to see that Lisa is actually growing coffee inside her house and there even beans on one of the trees!

We reconnected with many of the folks who have served with us in Haiti. It was awesome to meet many of their family members for the first time, as well. We also had the opportunity to meet with some students and teachers. One breakfast meeting included a new experience for Lex, a Dutch Baby...

Lex was interviewed at the Charlotte Christian School's middle school chapel service. They responded so well and asked lots of questions, which we love! We also got to meet their middle school global knights club (pictured below).

At the Covenant Day School we were able to meet with science teachers, Tim Blumenstein and Rusty Randalls, along with the student groups that are actively working to create sustainable projects for Haiti.
Right now they are helping us design and equip a new science lab for our school in Thozin. Jake and Elizabeth presented the room design to us, along with details of the equipment the whole class intend to obtain for it.

We were able to share vision with the construction group and begin planning how we can expand fish farming at MOHI to help better provide for nutritional needs of our students.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...er...Haiti, that is...
The goat pen has been completed! Hats off to Pastor Hakine and his crew for their ingenuity and eagerness to complete this project so we have a place to house all the new milking goats that are on their way.

Next? Plant lots of trees that the goats will enjoy eating the leaves off of!
School has been in full swing. What a blessing it is to see the students hard at work again.

Jephte has become Andrew Sutton's student about solar power. (Thank you, Andrew!!!) Thanks to a generous donation from Bless Back Worldwide, Jephte was able to begin adding to our solar array at the main campus this week, more than doubling our solar generation of electricity.

The medical clinic has been very busy. I am grateful that we are able to serve our community with such excellence. When I see our students really have a need and the clinic staff gives their all to help them - wow! We are so blessed!!!

Once again, I can say, "It has been a good week." Thank you for your part through prayer, service, and generously donating. Together, we are working today to make a better tomorrow for our friends in Haiti. Thank you for that partnership!