Remembering The Way

I'd like to start out today by expressing my gratitude to all of you who opened up your wallets to help provide food to MOHI that will feed the hungry and malnourished in the Grand-Goave area of Haiti. Thank you so much for your generosity!!!

We received a total of $1,000 of the $2800 needed. If you haven't participated yet, please take a moment to do so. Every gift helps. None is too small. God is providing life sustaining sustenance through all of us to His beloved people in Haiti.
In addition to feeding our students each day, food donations enable us to feed clinic patients, staff, and others in need in our vicinity.
This week the clinic was really busy.

The dentists also stayed very busy. What a blessing it is to be able to care for the physical needs of our students and neighbors!

Our St. Etienne campus has also been benefiting from our medical and dental professionals, as they travel to hold clinic there regularly.

Did you get to watch the service in Thozin this morning? You can find the live video on our Facebook page. The church partook of the Lord's Supper together this morning. There was also a baby dedication.

Pastor Bauvais is the eldest of our pastoral staff and is an anointed minister of prayer. I always enjoy watching him speak words of life over the little ones. Mission of Hope began in his front yard 19 years ago!

We had a full week of school. There's a sense of excitement as we enter into the final weeks of the school year. Each morning the school day begins with the raising of the Haitian flag, singing of the national anthem, and prayer.

Library time makes these students' time in school even more pleasurable.

Although I'm currently in Massachusetts, I have the joy of continuing to participate in a small group study in Haiti with my sister missionaries in Grand-Goave. What a delight this study has been to each of us! We have had so many wonderful conversations about who we are in Christ, love vs. fear, light vs. darkness, and how to walk out day by day the truth that we know. You know, sometimes we just get so busy with daily activities that we simply forget the Way for a moment. Today each one of us can testify that we don't forget nearly as often as we used to. I'm so grateful for like-minded sisters!

Thank you for your support in prayer, finances, time, and energy. You are so appreciated!