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Our four-year-old "grandson/love-of-my-life" started simply saying "eat" whenever he was hungry. He still says it regularly, with great enthusiasm - especially if we're driving past his favorite burger joint at the moment. Of course, his mom, dad, Uncle AJay, Aunti B, Papy, and I all say it now, too. It's always said with enthusiasm, smiles, laughter, and an abundance of affection. Maybe you have fun family "traditions" that generate those warm-fuzzy feelings across the generations, as well? We so treasure them.

I began pondering this as I was preparing some materials for the "Fill the Container" food drive this past week. It's heartbreaking to consider the different feelings my friends in Haiti experience when their little ones say "Eat." It is usually said out of discomfort and true need, followed by tears. It conveys a heavy burden on the hearer - especially if that caregiver has nothing to offer the child. Unfortunately, this is the case more and more often now.

You and I want to help these families. Right? We pray for the Lord to provide, but we don't always know what else to do. Let's step out and put feet to those prayers by participating in this food drive. I'm so excited to see food packages like this are already arriving.

Let's keep the students, staff, and babies within Mission of Hope International fed. You can drop off or ship items (listed below) to us in Massachusetts that we can pack into the container. You can also make a monetary donation that will be used to cover the shipping costs or to purchase more food. (Reach out to us at for shipping or drop-off locations.)

Many of these children are only fed one meal per day - and it's at the mission schools or in the baby feeding programs.

All of us have brains that are wired to survive and thrive - no matter the country in which we live. Much of what we do at MOHI is designed to help people to thrive. However, we must survive before we can thrive. There is no survival without food, so feeding children is a priority for us.

When they eat adequately, children are quite energetic, aren't they?!!!

These kindergarten girls are learning a speech for their upcoming graduation into 1st grade.

Students in all 3 MOHI schools have their noses in their books. St. Etienne...


...and Port-au-Prince.

We so appreciate your prayers for all our students. We especially ask that you keep the student in Port-au-Prince in prayer. Several neighborhoods have fallen victim to gang wars. This past week many people fled their homes. Several of our students and staff live in these affected areas. Thank you for supporting them in prayer this week.

Healthcare is part of both surviving and thriving. We care for entire families in the medical and dental clinics on the Thozin campus. The electronic medical records designed exclusively for Blessed Back Worldwide enable us to keep track of all our patients and easily refer to their medical history.

People come to see the doctor, but will often come to see Pastor Bauvais, as well. Prayer, understanding, and medicine can all have a part in the solution.

The church in Thozin is filled with praying people. They pray for you and me daily. If you have a specific need, please let us know so we can add our prayers to yours.

We're in the "clean up" phase of the roof project at the Christian Light School. These men from the area are hard workers!

Lex and I arrived safely in Fort Worth, Texas Friday night. We always value time with our dear friend, Pastor Rex Holt, and his sweet wife Sherry. They have served the country of Togo, West Africa for the past 40 years - many of those spent living there. They are the founders of a wonderful ministry called Le Pont - A Bridge to Africa. Some of you know Pastor Rex from our Christian Leadership Academy in Grand-Goave. Until the pandemic, he was a keynote speaker (in French mind you!) each year.

Here is Pastor Rex with Lex, his son John, and his grandson, William and - a chicken!. Visiting their home farm (with goats and chickens) was like a quick visit to Haiti.

Lex and I appreciate your prayers as we connect with people here and in Oklahoma this week. We believe the Lord has divine appointments planned for us that will bless us, as well as the mission. Thank you for keeping up with us, your prayers, your support, and your encouragement. Each of us is blessed to be a blessing. Praise the Lord for the opportunities He provides this week for each of us to walk this out!


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