Sweet & Sour Sauce
Sometimes life reminds me of sweet and sour sauce.
Lex and I are so thrilled to have Alexis and AJay back in Haiti with us for the holidays. We are so proud of them and how they have matured into such fine, young adults. Our friends here in Haiti have been so eager to see them, as well. Feyo was so excited when they drove into the yard, giggling and peering over to the car.

Traveling to Haiti
We’ve enjoying sharing the abundance of items that have been donated to MOHI with our friends and neighbors here in Haiti.

2015 Children’s Christmas Celebration at MOHI
We held a wonderful children’s Christmas celebration on Wednesday. Each child received a bag of gifts to take home with them, as well as yummy treats and a meal.

Gifts in the Galèt
On Christmas day we were able to give gifts to all of the children in the Galèt (village near the missionary compound).
Christmas night we were joined by several missionary families for Christmas dinner. We all made some of our favorite dishes to share together. The highlight of the night for us was giving gifts to the missionary kids. Having grown up on the mission field, Alexis and AJay are especially tender-hearted toward missionary kids. They know exactly what to get for the other kids and they did a great job making a lot of smiles.

Christmas for missionary children
Mandarins are in season! YUMMMMM!!!!!

This is a mandarin.
I feel like over the years I’ve learned to deal with the sour and move on. The past couple of weeks have been tough though, as we have lost several friends and loved ones.
Jean Michel was killed in an accident. Two of our properties border two of Jean Michel’s properties. We have been neighbors for many years. He used to pay AJay, right along with other neighborhood boys, to do odd job for him. As a local judge for many years, Jean Michel would often call Lex for advice or to advise him of difficulties in the community.
I don’t know of a wedding that took place in Grand-Goâve without Elize being a part of it. He was a young man (mid-twenties) known for making decorations for special events. He came down with a sudden fever and died the next day.
Pastor Edon’s dad died passed on Saturday night. He was 98 years old! Pastor Edon and his family are traveling hours on foot into very remote mountains to lay him to rest. We are praying for their safety as they travel.

Madame St. Armand
I considered Madame St. Armand a dear friend. An elderly, hard-working woman, she brightened my expression just by walking into the room. She was crushed by a tractor trailer that went out of control near our Thozin campus.
Jeanne DeTellis, founder of New Missions, recently lost her husband to cancer. Jeanne has always been such an inspiration to me. It was through New Missions that I first came to Haiti. It was through her example that I learned the importance of working hard on the mission field. And as I’ve watched her (albeit it from a distance, but closer thanks to Facebook) being there for Dennis through the final weeks of his life and struggling with his departure, I’ve felt my own heart breaking from the pain I know that she’s feeling.
1 Corinthians 15 talks a lot about death. I love the last verse of the chapter that sums it all up “ Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” We all will die one day, but whatever we’ve done in the name of the Lord has a purpose.
I ask that you’d join me in praying for the families of these precious brothers and sisters who have gone on before us, that they would find strength and courage in the midst of this difficult season. Thank you.
As the year comes to a close, I can honestly look back and say that just like the sweet and sour sauce, the sweet parts of life dominate the sour ones. Each and every day, thousands of lives are positively impacted here at Mission of Hope International in Haiti. So many sad stories have turned into joyful and hopeful stories. Each child touched influences dozens of other souls.
Lex and I are so grateful to each of you who have stood with us this year. Thank you for the time (volunteering and praying) and money you have invested in the lives of so many here in Haiti.
For those of you currently planning an end of the year financial contribution, I hope that you would consider donating to Mission of Hope International. There are several ways that you can donate today:
Thank you for a great year. We look forward to a wonderful 2016, working together to change lives and destinies.

Wishing you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!!!