A Time to Remember
Senior Class Trip
The highlight of our week was our senior class trip to Monrouis, north of Port-au-Prince. Many young people living in the provinces have never been to a nearby city, nevermind traveled to a different part of the country. This trip was educational in every way, as well as being enjoyable.

The students all rode in the bus, donated by Mission USA and the Chapel (Akron, OH). They arrived in their school uniforms and were quickly seated in the conference area. The former minister of Health and presidential candidate, Dr. Josette Bijou was the presenter. She came specifically to meet with our students.

As the minister of health, Dr. Bijou addressed the United Nations about public health issues. She also learned a lot about the UN during that time. She talked to our students about what the UN does and how to interact with them. She spoke with them from the perspective that they are the ones who will be representing their country to the UN and other governments in the next ten to thirty years. Our students took advantage of this opportunity to ask many questions of Dr. Bijou.
After this session they enjoyed a buffet lunch. Pastor Lex took the opportunity to instruct them about etiquette and simply how a buffet lunch works. The students thoroughly enjoyed their meal. They then changed clothes and went in the ocean for a swim, followed by some splashing in the pool. Again, most of the students had never been in a pool, so that was another new experience for them.

The students enjoyed their 3hr+ bus ride each way, seeing sites and hearing stories of different areas of the country. It was a great time for everyone.
You Can Get Involved in This!
We will be sending out emails this week to present a restructuring of our ministry to the disabled. I'm so excited to see Alicia stepping up to lead in this area of ministry. She has a heart for the hurting, neglected, and forgotten in our society and has already been reaching out to the disabled in the local community. If you are not on our mailing list, be sure to subscribe to learn more about Alicia's vision for the disabled community in Grand-Goave.