They Cannot Repay You
I'll share a little about some of what's been happening lately at MOHI and then we'll hear an update from Alicia about MOHI's L14 Ministry. I'll be back at the end to add my two cents and wrap it all up.

Outreach to Victims of Hurricane Matthew Continues
Our carpentry students returned to Port Salut this week in order to continue putting up the houses we had purchased through the Maxima Matching Fund. (Buy one get one free.) They did a great job and were able to finish up the last two houses.

We are so grateful to the donors who provided the funds to purchase these houses and those who gave extra so that we could pay for the transportation, concrete and general laborers. Thank you!

There are still thousands homeless. Would you like to help provide a home for one or two families? Or make a small donation to cover additional costs of going? Please donate to our hurricane relief fund and specify that you would like your donation to go towards house construction. Two house kits will cost only $2700 through the Maxima Matching Fund grant we received. Be a double blessing!

Pumping Out the Water
We are so grateful to Mission USA for the well they paid to have drilled at the extended Thozin campus. This week the drilling company came back to install the pump. THERE BE WATER!!!! And LOTS of it! Praise the Lord!

Palm Sunday
Church in Thozin was extra special this morning with a special performance from the young musicians in training. They have created a group of about a dozen young men who sing and move with the music, acting out some of the words. The maestro played the accordion to accompany them. These young people said, "If we're going to play instruments, we have to know how to sing, as well." Sing they did! And the church was encouraged by their song, "If you're not going to be trained by Jesus, then Satan will find a way in..." We choose to be trained by Jesus!
Unfortunately, I was so caught up in enjoying their presentation that I didn't get a picture of them! I did get one of the worship team though...

Lex's message was, as usual, very encouraging. Where can we put our trust, but in the saving grace of Jesus on the cross?
Our dear friend Sava and his wife just had their first baby girl. She's so sweet! And we're so happy for them, as Sava already has 4 boys!

Women's Conference
The married women at the MOHI churches like to put on a special conference every couple of years. This year's conference begins April 20th. The women have been working hard to gather funds to house and feed guests coming from other regions. They've also been practicing the songs they'll be singing. They are excited to have Franchette Augustin, aka Madame Pastor Ignais, from les Cayes, Haiti, as the keynote speaker for this 4 day event. Would you hold these precious women up in prayer, asking the Lord to unite them in their faith and works? Thank you. If you'd like to donate toward this event you can do so here. Please note "women's conference" in the instructions area.

L14 Ministry Update from Alicia D'Olimpio
Yesterday, I was able to go out into Grand Goâve with Bobby and Sylene to meet the families that have at least one family member with a physical disability. These are the people that are served by MOHI’s L14 Ministry, a restructured focus of a pre-existing outreach program that aims to aid those in Grand Goâve with severe physical disabilities.

Because I am new to this area of MOHI’s ministry, I wanted to meet with the individuals who we serve. Bobby was the one getting us from house to house via the four wheeler, while Sylene, one of the first friends I made in Haiti back in 2015, accompanied me to help with translating.

I I I In In addition to bringing them food, we listened to their stories, learned what their needs are, and prayed with them. With Sylene’s help, I was able to get detailed accounts of each individual’s life. I took notes and pictures during each meeting, so that later on I would be able to document the necessary information that would serve as a foundational ‘database’ of sorts. With this database, we will be able to have an organized way of keeping track of the individuals served by the L14 Ministry and what their specific needs are.

Yesterday definitely gave me a mix of emotions. My first reaction was sadness; sadness that there are individuals that live with a disability on a day to day basis in third-world conditions. But, as I talked more with those individuals and their families, my first reaction of sadness slowly changed into an attitude of hope and determination.

MOHI is in a position where we are able to positively impact and change the lives of the people in this ministry, all because of God’s divine orchestration. With Him, all things are possible; and because our organization is deeply rooted in Christ, serving those in need goes from being a possibility to a reality. Because of Jesus, hopeless situations change to hopeful situations.
Excitement over L14 Ministry
Lex and I are very exciting about the possibilities for these precious, often forgotten friends. And we're thrilled to see the Lord has already made many provisions for this ministry, not the least of which is Alicia's passion to reflect Jesus' love and character to each of them and their families.
Over the next few weeks we will share some of their stories with you. Not wanting to publicize personal details, we'll probably leave their names out of the stories that we publish here. But we will begin introducing them to you, apart from their stories.
Here are a few "cutie" pictures from this week. As always, thank you to everyone that has been praying for us and for all those donating to make this all possible. Please spread the word so we can maintain and expand our services to the people of Haiti! And remember, bless those who will likely never pay you back!