Fine Young Scholars
I'm so proud of our senior class representatives who have been competing with other schools from Grand-Goave and Leogane in a scholastic contest. This week they had another victory and will be entering into the final round. Congratulations to these fine young scholars!!!!
Hats off to our amazing staff, from preschool right through the senior class. These students didn't excel this year without a good foundation. The teachers that have invested in them over the past 13+/- years are to be commended for their part in building that foundation. The students have also learned to put their trust in God, knowing that HE will bring all things to their remembrance.
I remember when Lex and I were preparing to start MOHI, Lex was sharing his vision with me. He didn't see a mediocre school that the poor kids went to. He envisioned a superior school, as good as any of the private schools that those who had some money sent their kids to. He wanted even the poorest of children to have access to the best education. He wanted the students to be able to stand tall when they went to exams or competitions, knowing they were well prepared.
How thrilling it is to me to see this vision come to pass. We started the mission with the "tagline" of Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." The school has truly been a work of faith. Today it can been seen with the natural eye, as well.
That walk of faith continues, however, to sustain what has been established. It takes prayer, trust, faith, people, money, food, fuel, and other resources to keep the school doors open. I am so grateful for each class sponsor who faithfully prays for their class and teacher and sends money each month to ensure the needs are met.
I wish each of you could enter into my world and see the sense of self worth and confidence these kids have. And the sweet spirit that envelopes the classrooms and the campus. Yes, there are plenty of conflicts, but hope dominates the atmosphere. You, our supporters, have created this atmosphere. These kids know how to dream and trust God to make those dreams come true.
I encourage you to become a part of making dreams come true for these young men and women and for the generations to come. Consider becoming a class sponsor. Here's how it works. You determine the amount you want to invest in their lives and you commit to that amount on a monthly basis. You also commit to pray for the students and staff regularly. Sometimes people see our students in their uniforms and shoes and think they are well off. Life is good for them at school, but they are still our neighbors who suffer many injustices, pain, and hardships.
Even with a great school, the children each have life to deal with. Most of the students come from very poor families and have to work hard to help keep the household afloat. This often includes carrying water in buckets from a community source (A full bucket of water weighs 40 pounds!), caring for animals (tying them in different areas for grazing and bringing them somewhere else to drink), rising in the middle of the night to work in the garden (before the blazing sun is up), and helping with household chores (dishes, sweeping, cooking, laundry, child care, shopping, etc.).
As you can imagine, for many children, just getting themselves ready for school is difficult. What about time to study? Or time to play? But these kids are motivated. They are determined to be more than what they see. They feel privileged to be able to go to school as they have friends that do not. And while they are at school, they get some time to be children, too.
And sometimes they get to be children with someone like Pastor Kevin...
Thank you for joining me on this reflection of the MOHI school in Thozin, Grand-Goave. And thank you for your continued support.