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Join in Prayer

Watching and Praying

Now that I experienced Hurricane Matthew and the devastation left behind, I have a greater respect for how dangerous such a storm can be. Watching the reports as Hurricane Harvey approached Texas provoked me to prayer and brought tangible emotions to the surface, as I remembered the fears that came at me as those intense winds were blowing. I was so thankful for the Spirit of God's presence that dispelled that fear and inspired me to pray for my neighbors. Our churches in Haiti are joining us now in praying for everyone whose lives are being impacted by Harvey, as I'm sure you are, as well.

We are also keeping an eye on Hurricane Irma, which is currently expected to hit Haiti, but indirectly. Please keep praying with us!

Did you hear there was an earthquake in Haiti this week? Yes, there was. It hit in the Central Plateua area, was not too big (<4 on the Richter scale) and there was very little damage from it. Thank the Lord!

Mission USA

I love how God knits hearts together and brings together organizations that are like-minded.

When we buy land, it usually takes time to raise the funds to actually build on the land. Rather than let the land sit vacant, we will usually plant crops on it, so that it's producing while we are waiting.

Our partners at Mission USA always stand ready to help in times of great need and especially in responding to natural disasters. I've mentioned before that they have purchased a bus to fill with supplies and ship to us in Haiti. While they are raising funds to fill and ship it, they are using it to collect food and supplies for Texas. This thrills me and sounds very much like something we would do at MOHI, too!

If you would like to help them with getting help to the flood victims, please visit their website at to make a donation or get involved in other ways.

School Time

Our schools are scheduled to open their doors tomorrow (Monday). Preparations are made (some of which are pictured below). We ask that you would join us in praying for the students, their parents & families, our teaching & administrative staffs. We look forward to another great year of learning and experiencing God's presence each and every day of school.


There have been many people with fevers coming to the clinic this week. It's not unusual to have periods where there are "outbreaks" of certain symptoms, but fevers can be dangerous if left unchecked. A simple cold can cause a fever and will resolve itself, but some fevers can kill babies and the elderly very quickly. I am glad that our neighbors are learning to come to the clinic to see the doctor and find either treatment or peace of mind that they'll be ok.

This week we also did a mobile clinic in an area of Petit Goave without medical facilities.

I hope you have an enjoyable Labor Day. Thank you for joining us in ministering to the people of Haiti! Blessings to you!

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