Graduation Coming
It's a festive and intense time of year for our students. The end of school is marked by special presentations and final preparations for graduation. Those preparations include studying for exams, as well as practicing speeches, dances, poems, songs, skits, and more. There's lots of energy on campus right now and we love it!

Emmanuel and Junette are both high school seniors who started with MOHI in preschool. What a blessing it will be to see them walk across the platform to receive their diplomas this month. Would you join us in praying for them and their classmates during these busy days? Thank you.
We are excited to have made a payment toward purchasing the backhoe! We have $7000 more to raise. Please be a part of making this happen. Pray, donate, share with your family, friends, and associates. Thank you so much for your generosity!!!

Stateside we are preparing to participate in SoulFest 2018. We're planning some great activities and hope you will join us. We are also looking for volunteers to work with us in our big tent. Please reach out to Alexis if you'd like more information or to sign up to help.

We are looking forward to a busy summer season at MOHI in Haiti. Lots of teams - lots of friends will be coming to serve. We'd love to see you there. Let us know if you're interested in joining a team or bringing a team of your own. Contact