The Widow's Mite

I didn’t have any money to put in the offering this morning. I was having this big conversation with the Lord about it when I looked up just in time to see a little elderly woman return to her seat. She had just given in the offering. I didn’t see what she gave, but I know this woman. I knew that whatever she gave she had needed for herself.
I immediately thought of all the times I’d ready the story of the widow woman who gave out of her need. I’ve read it, studied it, listened to sermons about it, but in that moment, I saw it as I had never seen it before.
The widow woman before me was no stranger. She’d been coming to our church for many years. She was not some imaginary character from a story. I was familiar with her.
I could give all that I have and it would not have compared with whatever she gave. How can I say that? She literally does not know how she will care for herself tomorrow, but she trusts the Lord will provide for her. If I suddenly have no means to live by, I can return to my country, find a job, and make a life for myself again.
A poor widow giving out of her need doesn’t compare with an able bodied man or woman giving out of what they “need.” I suppose the word “need” is even defined differently, depending on the circumstances. I “need” $4 to buy a pound of butter to put in my mashed potatoes. She “needs” $1 to buy some rice or a plantain, drinking water and matches, while she searches for water and wood to cook with.
Where is the hope for an elderly woman who has no one? Her hope is in God. The Lord uses all of us in the church to meet her needs, but she dare not put her hope in us. We are quite fickle. It is a certainty that we will fail her. But Christ will never, ever fail her. (Interesting that after the offering, my husband preached on this very point!)
For this woman to put even 1 penny in the offering is a tremendous act of faith. How easy it is for me to look down at her, as if she were of less value than I am. I need to look at the New Testament accountings of the Pharisees and religious leaders and realize that, more often than not, THAT is who I am. We look at outward appearances, but God looks at the heart. What does He see in me?
I am but a human. Your pastor is but a human. Your favorite Christian minister is but a human. As Pastor Lex preached this morning, don’t follow humans, follow Christ! Put your faith in HIM, for HE will never disappoint.
Here are a couple more pictures from church in Thozin this morning.

Tyler is spending some time with Tree of Hope and joined them in church. He was a great sport as Pastor Lex spoke to him in Kreyol to make a point in his message. Whether or not you speak the same language we all have value to Jesus.

Little Mavens was fascinated with Martine's hand fan. At one point, all the men in the front row were giggling and smiling at him. It was wonderful to witness their affection for the child.
It was another great week at MOHI. Parents and students gathered to receive their final report card for the year. Lex had the opportunity to address them and encourage them for the great job they are doing. He let them know about some changes for the upcoming school year and that together we will continue to be the best school around.
There's a soccer tournament taking place at the MOHI soccer field. This is a community event run by a committee from the community. Every afternoon the yard is filled with several hundred people, watching the game and socializing. We are so grateful to the Grand-Goave community for the respect they have shown MOHI with their conduct at all these matches. What a blessing to see everyone have a good time and not want to leave after the game ends. We pray the Lord will use this soccer field to continue drawing sons and daughters to Himself.
Due to political unrest, 4 different groups that were scheduled for July had to be cancelled. This was really sad for Lex and I, as we were eagerly anticipating seeing some old friends and making some new ones. Thankfully, most of these teams have already rescheduled and we look forward to a busy Fall with them!

Soulfest 2018 is closing in on us. We are looking forward to being with so many again this year. If you are planning to be there, too, please let us know. We'd love to see you and perhaps you'd like to volunteer a few hours in our tent. Please contact us here.