Class of 2019
Pastor Lex has been (mostly) patiently waiting for his passport to arrive so he could fly back to Haiti for our school graduations. He was so thrilled to receive it in the mail this week and immediately headed to Haiti, arriving the afternoon before the Thozin graduation.

We held kindergarten graduation ceremonies in both Thozin and St. Etienne. For most, this is a child's first big celebration of accomplishment. Parents, god parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and family friends all show up to see the student perform and receive a certificate.

The senior class of 2019 is the school's eighth graduating class. We are proud of the determination these students have put forth. They are so full of hope for their futures. They have worked hard! We and the mission churches have been praying for their upcoming national exams and we trust the Lord will bring all things to their remembrance when that day arrives.

Mr. Ceralien, attorney at law, was this year's keynote speaker. MOHI's dentist, Dr. Mabou assisted him. They were chosen by the senior class to be their "Parenn" and "Marenn." These are the same titles used for godfather and godmother. It's an honor, but also a big responsibility to be chosen for this role.

Pastor Lex loves "his kids," and took a photo with each one of the graduates. They also received a framed picture and a diploma/certificate.

Congratulations to the Class of 2019!!! And thank you to all of you who support the schools, creating the opportunity for these students to have an education, to learn of the love of Jesus, see it in action and partake of it personally.