It was another good week at MOHI in Haiti! I was able to catch up on some office work, house work, and enjoy some of our students and staff this week. In Haiti, I never have to do anything alone. Here Sylene, Beatrice, and Yveline are helping me tear my kitchen apart. (I wanted to organize everything for Kaylah so she can find what she needs when she goes to make her dinner!)
Among my favorite moments? Dreaming with Kaylah about what could be - and making plans to work toward it! Kaylah spent many hours this week preparing a professional development seminar next week for our teachers. I was happy to be able to share my "outdoor office" views with her, too!
Lex has been out straight getting some additional classrooms built this trip. He has one week left before the students arrive to fill them.
We're really excited to have extended school days this year. All of the 600+ students in Thozin will be on campus at the same time. Wow! The extra time is allowing us to expand the classes we are offering. We are excited to begin introducing music, business, and computer science to our students next month!
Beyond all this, the main event this week was our annual conference at the church in St. Etienne. This campus is located up in the mountains, with beautiful views and refreshing, cool breezes.
The churches went all out with special musical performances, wonderful times of worship together...
...and food and drink for everyone!
The service was a little longer than a normal Sunday morning worship service, as there were so many groups present and eager to share their gifts. I had the pleasure of watching this little sweetie finally wake up from her nap and share some smiles. (*LOVE*)
My time in Haiti this trip is almost up, but I feel so encouraged to have Kaylah here to continue forward momentum in the school. I am so full of hope for our students! I believe the Lord is raising them up to not only enjoy life for themselves, but to positively impact those around them and the country in general. God has amazing plans that they are a part of! Would you join us praying for them this week as final preparations for the opening of school take place? Thank you!!!