Good News Today
We started out the week in Haiti with a great nutritional boost for our students.

Protein sources tend to be expensive and therefore there's often a tendency toward iron deficiency - especially among children. Our annual peanut butter drive enables us to supplement the nutritional intake of our students, as well as clinic patients.

Please be a part of the peanut butter drive this month! Jars can be dropped off in Gardner, MA (192 Pearl St.) or Manchester, CT (World Wide Lighthouse Missions, 723 Main St.)
If you don't live nearby, we found that Amazon has peanut butter for as little as 12¢ per pound. Order through Amazon Smile, designate your preferred charity as Mission of Hope International, and MOHI will also receive a donation from Amazon for your purchase. (Ship to 192 Pearl St, Gardner, MA 01440)
We are happy to see so many coming to visit the medical and dental clinics. We see both minor and major problems. We're grateful for the minor ones, as we can often help prevent the major ones!

After a long, painful (for students and staff) delay, we have finally received the national exam results for MOHI's class of 2019. 17 students took the exams and 17 students passed. Congratulations!!! Job well done!
Here are a couple of pictures from the school in St. Etienne:

A school-wide flag raising ceremony takes place each morning in Thozin.

Here's a peak into the classrooms at our main school in Thozin:

It was discharged from the hospital on Sunday with the intention of going home to rest and recover. As usual, my husband stepped up to take care of me and many of the things I normally manage, while we eagerly awaited the arrival of Angie Shepherd from Tennessee. As many of you know well, Angie is a PA who ran the medical clinic for us in Haiti for over a year. She remains a close friend and we were so happy to have her join us during my recovery time.

Well, Wednesday morning our daughter, Alexis went into labor again. I spent much of the day with her and Alain at the hospital, while Lex took care of our grandson. Alexia Ruth was born by 11AM. Although she was a few weeks early, she still managed to tip the scales at 7lbs 8oz.
Angie arrived that evening and quickly joined our grandson's care team, while his parents were in the hospital. What a joy it was to watch them get to know each other.

I am so thrilled to now be the grandmother of two beautiful babies! We are so proud of Alexis and look forward to being a part of their growing family.
Somehow recovery for me seems to be taking care of itself. So many were praying for me and I'm so grateful. The Lord knew the schedule much better than I did and He took care of us all!

Thank you for joining us on this journey! Let's make a difference in someone's day. Let's be used of the Lord to bring hope to the destitute and a sense of being well cared for. May we be the hands, feet, and mouthpiece of the Gospel to the poor.