Combat Terror
The days of the general population doubting the existence of COVID-19 in Haiti seem to have ended this week. The same report has been repeated to us over and over again: "Everyone has a fever right now...terrible body aches...itchy throats..."
This report is from individuals, but no such report has come from the medical clinic. Those with fevers and suspicious symptoms seem to be staying home. Not necessarily a bad thing, but it does make it difficult to expect any kind of accurate statistics about the spread of the disease in the country.
My heart goes out to the millions of people who have suddenly realized that this virus they'd heard so much about is not imaginary. Fear and terror have gripped their hearts. For most, living consumed by fear is likely worse than contracting COVID-19. I am praying that the Lord would open the eyes of our understanding (ALL of us!) so that we may comprehend - see what HE sees. HE has not given us a spirit of fear. There must be something more than what our physical eyes and minds are telling us.

The masks that were almost forced on some patients are now vastly sought after.

Two of the greatest ways to physically help the people of Haiti is through providing food and masks. $90 will provide a meal for 18 families. $2 will provide a mask for one person. Both come with words of faith and encouragement to minister to the spiritual needs of the people, as well. This is the urgent need right now and so I continue to ask you - please give what you can to keep creating masks and feeding distributions for the people of Grand-Goave and beyond.

There are still non-COVID patients coming to the clinic daily. We're so proud of our medical and dental staff for their persistence in caring for the people of our community.

Thank you for continuing to pray for our students, staff, and communities in general during this very difficult season in Haiti.