He Is With Us
I'm writing this as I prepare to fly into the Dominican Republic later today. I won't be bringing my computer, so I thought I'd write a quick update for you before I leave. I'm grateful Pastor Lex was able to travel into the Dominican Republic on Sunday when things had calmed down a bit in Haiti. Monday morning, however, people took to the streets in protest once again.

The baby feeding programs are going great. The caregivers are so grateful for the nutritional support, especially during such a difficult time. We pray and share words of encouragement with them each day, in addition to feeding them.

The MOHI schools in Thozin and St. Etienne we’re scheduled to open Monday. Unfortunately, the government has announced a one month delay and we have decided it best to adhere to this. Please pray the country calms down and that the children will be able to return to their classrooms at that time. In the meantime our workers continue to keep busy.

The new fish pond construction should be completed this week.

Unfortunately, people still get sick no matter what's happening in the streets. I'm grateful the Lord continues to provide wisdom and resources for medical and dental care to continue in the clinics at MOHI.

How wonderful it is to know Jesus and to have confidence that He is with us everywhere we go! Amen?!!

Back in Massachusetts, the container is full, sealed, and on its way! Praise the Lord!!!
And now, we can officially say, "Welcome to MOHI in Luperòn, Dominican Republic!" The lease has been signed and we now have a mission house in Luperòn!

As I head to Luperòn, I am anticipating a week of determining what we will need in the house in order to accommodate visitors. You know, do we need pots and pans, linens, beds, chairs, etc? I look forward to meetings with Bernard, MOHI's Country Director in the DR, and getting to know more of the area and the people. Thank you for your continued prayers and support!
