It's Our Turn
In March 2000, we held the mission's first church service in Pastor Bauvais' front yard. There were just a handful of people - most just curious about this mission of hope. Pastor Bauvais had a reputation in the community and still does today. Pastor Bauvais hears from God. The community knows, if you're going through a difficult time, call for Pastor Bauvais to come and pray.

Once our first school was established, Pastor "Beau," as we affectionately call him, would be found each morning crossing the students in front of the school. As the medical ministry grew, his gift made a place for him once again, as he began praying over the patients. Today, he holds a time of devotion and prayer with the patients each morning, as they wait for the clinic to open.

Every time Pastor Bauvais is asked to pray in a gathering at MOHI, he prays fervently for you - the supporters and friends of MOHI. He asks the Lord to bless your pockets and your bodies. He prays for your families and asks the Holy Spirit to bring peace to your minds. He asks the Lord to use you to bless others.

Early on in the mission, we found ourselves in a place of overwhelming debt and we couldn't see a way out. God came through (of course)! We had a meeting with a pastor who told us his church would cover the entire debt. We were so excited, but we didn't dare tell anyone about it until the money was available and in Haiti. During that waiting time, Pastor Bauvai was publically praying in a Sunday morning worship service. He began declaring, "Rain! Rain! The Lord is bringing the rain!" He went on and on about financial blessings coming into the mission. How did he know?

Another time, prior to this, we experienced a rebellious uprising among some church leaders. As horrible as it was to go through and to see people we loved and cared for leave, it left the church stronger and kinder. We experienced the Lord's presence in our midst like never before. When this first happened, Pastor Bauvais told us that God wanted Edon Carries to become the local pastor of the Thozin church. We both smiled, nodded, and said "Oh?" Privately we spoke of how ridiculous we thought that was. We didn't give it another thought. Less than a year later, Edon Carries became the pastor of the church. Two decades later, he remains in that position.

Today, Pastor Bauvais is laying in a hospital bed. He suffers from a couple of chronic conditions which may have made this "little cold" harder to shake. His daughter sent us a picture and asked that we all pray for him. Will you join us in honoring her request? Would you pray for the Lord to raise up this man of prayer and service? Thank you.
A series of earthquakes have been shaking up our island nation once again. They range from 4.4 to 5.6 on the Richter scale. There have been 2 reported deaths with several hundred homes being affected. Although no one in our schools has been injured, it has been a challenging week for everyone. Each time the earth shakes, there's the temptation to panic - especially for those who survived the 2010 quake. These began on Monday, which caused everyone to run out of the classrooms and clinics and hang out in the yard.

Eventually, the lower-grades returned to their classrooms. The doctors set up on the clinic porch and began seeing patients.

Our school nurse, Marlouse had a busy week. We're so grateful for her presence with our students at the Port-au-Prince campus. 4-year-old Saskya came with her mom to be treated for an earache.

David was feeling light-headed and uncomfortable, so his teacher brought him to see Nurse Marlouse. Sometimes our patients need food even more than they need medicine. It's not unusual for school lunch to be the only meal a child gets for the day.

The dentists are not only professional. They're also artistic!

It took some teamwork, but they were able to get the dental chair working again. Great work, guys!

When baby's got a rash, MOHI is there to ease the discomfort for both mama and baby!

Anthara is in 2nd grade at our Thozin campus. Her mom brought her to clinic with a high fever. Her mom doesn't know what she would do without the MOHI clinic, because she doesn't have any money. But she said she doesn't worry, because Anthara is seen for free at the clinic and she has a lot of confidence in the staff and medicines there. She asked that we thank each one of you and our partners at Bless Back Worldwide for working together with us to make this clinic a reality for her and the whole community.

Professor Desousse teaches High School History. He accompanied the senior class this week in their "Philosophy Celebration."

Organized outdoor activities are a highlight for these lower-grade students!

Free playtime outdoors is certainly a favorite time, too! The 3-year-olds are still babies and just so adorable!

I love seeing students helping to serve food to their classmates. One student is putting a chewable vitamin on each of his classmates' plates. The other is dishing up the hot, nutritious food.

Our 3rd and 4th graders led the Thozin congregation in worship for a bit this morning. You can see the live video on our Facebook page (They start about 31 minutes in).

We'd all like to extend our gratitude to our friends at World-Wide Lighthouse Missions. Each quarter they gather supplies, pack them into barrels and ship them to us in Haiti. This week we received 18 barrels of food and supplies. Praise the Lord!

Thank you for your time today and for locking arms together with us to positively impact the lives of so many living in Haiti. Thank you for keeping Pastor Bauvais in your prayers this week.
