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Making Memories

April 30, 2023

Don't you love to look at old photographs? Maybe you've said things like,

"Ohhhhh! Look how tiny she was!"

"Look at that smile when the pastor told him 'You may kiss the bride!'"

"I remember those shoes. They were my favorites!"

"Wow! Junior looks just like Grandpa did at his age."

I'm on grandbaby #3 and already can't tell which one is which in old pictures! But how often do we consider the memories that we are creating day in and day out? The decisions that we make today are impacting our tomorrows. And hopefully, they are also impacting the tomorrows of those around us.

Many years ago, a Sri Lankan commander working with the United Nations in Haïti approached Pastor Lex about an orphanage in a neighboring city. The director had visited their base in order to ask for food assistance. They were unable to help but hoped that we could.

This was the start of a year-long (plus) process of assisting this orphanage. It ended with us accepting 32 children into our home.

We were so grateful for the partnership that formed between us and the Hands and Feet Project. They supported us until they were able to build a campus to house the children nearby in Grand-Goâve. We moved them and the staff members who were caring for them to the new campus. They continued being a vital part of MOHI's church and school in Thozin. We made some amazing memories with them over the years. Many of you have been a part of those memories, too. They're a mostly grown, handsome bunch now, and they still brighten up when they see their friend and mentor, Pastor Lex.

Not long after these children came to live with us, while traveling in southern Haïti, we happened upon two little boys and their mom at a stream. The mom was washing clothes, and the boys were splashing in the water. We stopped to talk with them and inquire about the younger of the boys, 17-month-old, Chrislove. He had a very bad hernia that would sometimes become painfully strangulated. The surgery couldn't be done in their area, so they came to Grand-Goâve for it. The LORD blessed them, and they decided to stay. Below you can see the school construction was happening in 2011, and Chrislove wanted to help.

Pastor Lex has thoroughly enjoyed being back in the Thozin church. Encouragement and education are shared at every service. He may have mentioned it's been very hot on the island lately!

Our new friends from ADRAS spent some time with us last weekend, educating folks in the area about the Cholera outbreak, precautions to take, what symptoms look like when someone gets it, and what to do about it.

Education is constantly prescribed at the medical and dental clinics in Thozin!

The students finished their exams this week. One day they will look back at these days, remember, and be grateful that's all behind them!

The preschool classes had some hands-on food prep this past week as they learned how important (and tasty) the country's agriculture business is.

As we all know, Pastor Lex loves feeding and educating!

We continue working on providing food for our friends in the Dominican Republic. From the garden to the dinner plate - YUM!!! - it's a wonderful thing!

Please remember to keep our newly developing programs in the Dominican Republic in your prayers. There are many areas where we can see the LORD working through this mission. May our steps be ordered by HIM! May HIS will be done in Haïti and in the Dominican Republic!


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