Mercy and Gratitude
February 19, 2023
As I began writing this post, I kept thinking about the ten lepers who came to Jesus, asking Him to have pity on them and heal them. There was no cure for leprosy. When they were healed they knew it was beyond their own ability to "make it happen." And yet only one of the ten men returned to say thank you to Jesus. Today, I thank the LORD for HIS intervention with the container. It was beyond our control, but HE heard our cries for mercy and HE did what we couldn't. Will you join me in thanking HIM?
This announcement has been a LONG time in the making. Nevertheless, with much gratitude and joy, I say this: The container has arrived and the contents have been delivered to MOHI. Praise the LORD!!!
Thank you to each of you who donated food and goods to be shipped. Many thanks to everyone who helped cover all of the expenses incurred. Lex and I are grateful to everyone who sacrificed to get items to us and those who physically filled the container. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
In Haiti, we had teams of men hard at work. They had to unload the container and pack the goods into buses. There were five busloads to unload again at the mission. It took two long days. Getting the filled buses through gang-controlled streets was no easy feat. I'm so grateful everyone made it through safely! Pastor Lex and our staff are still organizing everything in our storage area.
All of us at MOHI are so grateful to the LORD for bringing this much-needed food to us.
May HE bless each person who partakes of it, bringing strength and health to their bodies and minds!
After two weeks of exams, the students enjoyed some special activities this past week. They didn't have to wear their school uniforms on Valentine's Day. Many of the students took the opportunity to really get dressed up. I think these two felt like princesses.
Much of the day was spent outdoors. There were assemblies where they heard about dealing with natural disasters and sicknesses that Haiti has experienced or is currently experiencing: earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding, mudslides, and Cholera.
There was also plenty of time for extra fun.
Of course, the rest of the week was more disciplined.
We were happy to share many birthday wishes with Dr. Mabou.
That didn't mean she slowed down, though.
Pastor Bauvais is a blessing to dental and medical patients each morning. He leads everyone in praise and worship songs, shares a short word of encouragement from the Bible, and leads everyone in prayer. Often patients will approach him for a personal time of prayer. We thank the LORD for this man!
We are grateful, too, for Dr. Evens and Dr. Cardet.
Many of the pictures I share with you each week are taken by Zacharie. He's also been a great addition to our maintenance team.
We are all grateful for all the LORD has done in our lives this week!
It means so much to me when someone goes out of their way to say thank you to me - especially when it's one of my kids or grandkids. It warms my heart and at that moment I desire to be a blessing to them. The LORD appreciates our gratitude, too. This week, let's give thanks in every situation and remind ourselves of the wonderful things the LORD has done!