Our Provision
May 7, 2023
Please support the people of Haïti through prayer today.

We need to see God intervene for the sake of the children, as their parents fight back. The people of Haïti are currently rising up against the gangs. This is viglante justice on steroids and is very grusome. The people do not have guns. They have machettes and rocks and they have been using them this week. I was told, "if you don't have an ID on you DON'T go in the street or you will die." My heart breaks for these people. They are between a rock and a hard place. They are oppressed and crying out for help, but none has come. They are taking the situation into their own hands and being condemned for that as well. Do nothing and die - fight back and maybe not die. None of these situations are good. BUT GOD!!!

Buenos Días from the Dominican Republic...although here in Luperòn it's pronounced more like "Buen Día." Apparently, the accents in Luperòn are a little different from those on Duolingo. Fortunately, the little bit of Spanish I speak is in slow motion, so people usually have time to figure out what I'm trying to say. And, just for the record, foreign language was my LEAST favorite subject from 7th grade on. Foreign language at 60 isn't much different, but I can say I'm much more diligent in my studies now than I was then.
I'm so happy to see the construction work for the Haitian Baptist Church of Luperòn continuing to move forward. This is very much a project of faith for everyone involved. This church began with a town square prayer meeting of 10 Kreyol-speaking Christians. Today over a hundred people call our friend Miratel "Pastor." He is a kind man, always ready to help someone in need, exemplifying the love of Christ. He credits church growth to the evangelism team. I think he's modest, but we all know that it's God who draws souls to Himself and then adds to our numbers those who are being saved.

The church currently rents a small storefront in downtown Luperòn where they often squish more than 80 people together for a Sunday morning service. Most of the church members live in very difficult circumstances, but they love their church and are willing to sacrifice time and money to help build this place to worship. Together with them, we are very grateful for each person who has already donated to MOHI to support this project. Phase 1 is fully funded and now nearing completion. We are now in the fundraising stage for phase 2, which is the walls of the building and is estimated at $24,319. You can donate here - click the dropdown menu next to "general fund" and choose "Give to Haitian Baptist Church of Luperòn Construction" to designate your gift toward this project.

The produce from the garden reminds me of my childhood when my favorite lunch was a fresh tomato sandwich with a little mayo on pumpernickel.

The HARD work continues in the big garden:

This week's Haïti update comes from Madona:
Schools keep functioning in Grand-Gaove and in Saint-Etienne. All of our kids have the possibility to attend the classes because all of our teachers always show up. Thanks to the support of our supporters even though the situation we are facing in Haiti. The preschool kids really enjoy coming to school Friday in normal clothes.

According to the United Nations, Haiti is one of 7 countries experiencing the most hunger in the world. We know more people that this has touched are women and kids. This is the reason why we always have a lot of requests for kids to get into the Baby Feeding program. We had the opportunity to add more to the program. Without the financial help of our supporters, we would not be able to help the kids. We are really grateful to all our supporters. We thank you for your sacrifices to help us move forward.

Finding good health has always been a big difficulty, especially for people that are living far away from cities in Haiti. We are happy in MOHI. We always have wonderful staff there that is always working with the population through great quality medical assistance. We not only help the community, but we help the staff too for medical assistance.

To conclude, we send a great thank you to all of you that keep helping our mission stay alive through your support toward MOHI!
Jesus remains our provision in every circumstance. "I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing." - John 15:5

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