Rejoicing and Rejoicing
I literally just walked in the door and sat down to write this post. I spent a week in the Dominican Republic watching the Lord continue to weave His tapestry with our lives. There are lots of exciting things going on behind the scenes, but I want to let you know that we did have opportunities to meet with Haitians living in the DR, connected with my new missionary friend, Ben Jordan, and even connected with a couple of Haitian pastors. I will update you as plans come into focus and I so appreciate your prayers for knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and direction concerning ministry in the DR. Thank you!
Before I get into this week's update, I want to wish all you dads a Happy Father's Day! You fill such a critical role in our families! Thank you for all you do.
This week in Haiti, our students had their final week of exams and are now officially on Summer Break.
Pastor Bauvais took an opportunity to "Rejoice with those who rejoice"!
Although Summer Break has begun, the senior class and 9th-graders have national exams to contend with. The 9th-grade class will take their exams this coming week and have been having special study groups.
The kindergarten classes have been preparing much of the year for special presentations for graduation ceremonies this coming week.
There have been some "interesting" developments at our Port-au-Prince school. Some things are simply beyond comprehension. God, however, is never caught off guard. Until the situation is resolved, we will not be planning any activities for that school. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
The baby feeding programs are a joy to our hearts! Here are some of the little ones from the St. Etienne area...
And these are from Little Paradise...
We're hoping for some honey to add to those peanut butter sandwiches!
Dr. Mabou has been doing a wonderful job leading the dental clinic. She is compassionate and caring. She puts her all into leading her staff and caring for her patients. God has been so gracious to the people of Grand-Goave through her!
The medical and dental clinics are both a true blessing to the community!
Marie Ange has worked with us at MOHI for about 20 years now. She started at the Thozin church in the youth group and sang on the worship team and in our traveling band, Limière d'Espoir (Light of Hope). She has a big responsibility in managing the mission's food and goods storage and distribution. She carries the load well!
Thank you for taking the time to read this update. Please feel free to reach out to us at any time at Blessings to you!