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A Quick Update


We’ve been getting rain a few times a week now. It’s very welcome, after such a long, dry season, but it also causes new difficulties, as you can see in this picture…

A night of rain in the mountains has a major effect on everyone down below

Leah has been doing a great job organizing the clinic ministry and Tammy has been a great help to her.

Clinic with Leah and Tammy

Leah has also been working hard to train some help for the clinic. This week we saw Fritzon, who has been a regular patient for months and months, starting to learn to take blood pressure readings. We’re so glad that he’s doing so much better physically, that he is able to consider working now. Praise God!

training Fritzon to take blood pressure readings

My office has been in a temporary building, built a few months after the earthquake. We need the space in order to accommodate more people in the church, so we located a small room to put me in for now. It should be ready for me to move into later this week. Once I move, we will tear down the office.

Renee’s office to be

We had another great week of school. One of the great motivators for all of the missionaries here at MOHI are the little ones…


Our high school seniors like to look mature and serious when they are in school. We caught some of the girls cutting loose on the roof, dancing. What a joy to see that they are still kids at heart!

high school seniors cutting loose

Occasionally (not often enough, however), we take time to be social with other American missionaries and expats. This week we had the privilege of making dinner for our friends at Be Like Brit. We enjoyed having a social evening together.

Pastor Lex puts on an apron to cook for our friends from BLB

This morning was part two of the “Pop the Zit” message. It’s been a tough message for many of us, as we consider the spiritual sicknesses festering in us, because we choose hold on to offenses, rather than forgiving. Nevertheless, it’s a very liberating message, as we choose to act on the words that being shared with us.

church service in Thozin this morning

About 70% of the buildings/homes in Grand-Goave were destroyed during the earthquake in 2010. Even now, many families are still living in insecurity and harsh conditions, under tarps. In an effort to help those in greatest need, especially families with children, we have been partnering with our supporters to build homes for these families. This week we’ve been constructing a home for another family, due to the generosity of Bless Back Worldwide.

house being built for a family in need, thanks to Bless Back Worldwide’s donation

Work continues on the new school and clinic rooms in Thozin.

tiling the activity room

cabinet work in the new medical room

We’ve been working on the electrical deficits at the missionary compound for quite some time, now. We recently acquired solar panels and have been working on welding frames for them to mount to the roof.

Welding frames for solar panels at the missionary compound

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