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2015 Even Better!

By the grace of God and so many generous donors, 2014 was an incredible year! Over 140,000 meals were served, water was brought to our St Etienne campus, Leah joined us full time, we received a mobile clinic from the Chapel, Bless Black Worldwide invested in the renovations of our medical rooms, thousands of pounds of food and clothing were distributed, homes were built for families in need, we held our first (and very well received) Women’s Health Fair, dozens of decisions were made for Christ, over 800 students received attended school and Lex ate alligator for the first time. Thank you for making this a great year. We look forward to an even better year in 2015. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones from all of us at MOHI in Haiti!

We appreciate John Armour’s hard work to get our plumbing set up for us. Our guys had a great time working with him, too.

Plumbing with John Armour

Conscience International demolishing and hauling rubble

We continue to work hard at completing the couples rooms at the missionary compound. Today the rooms are being tiled and bathroom fixtures installed.

Couple’s rooms construction

Cheryl “Chel” Finn arrived on Thursday with a team from Central Massachusetts. They have already participated in quite a range of activities. They toured much of MOHI and some of Grand-Goâve, built a set of shelves, hauled off rubble, enjoyed a boat ride to the beach, packaged and distributed food in a neighboring village, and held the first of 5 community health outreaches, focused on respiratory health teachings, blood pressure and blood sugar screenings.

Chel’s team tours the school

Community Health Outreach

Packaging food for distribution

Village ministry and food distribution

We said goodbye again to Alexis on Saturday. She’s now back in Tulsa, completing her last semester of high school. She’ll also be traveling to Peru during her Spring break. Thank you to all of you who have chosen to encourage her by donating toward the cost of this mission trip. She’s over half way to reaching her goal of $2,000. If you would like to help with these expenses you can make a donation here – please make a note that the donation is to be used toward this trip to Peru. Thank you.

Friends do each other’s hair

Saying goodbye

Brother and Sister saying goodbye

As Alexis was leaving, Pastor Dan Lee, Don Tiesenga and Lina Worcester were arriving at MOHI. We have a long history with Dan and Don and are always so blessed when they come to Haiti to lend a hand. Dan always has such great insights to share with the church, as well as with Lex and I personally. Don is quite proficient at counting pills in the pharmacy and loving on kids. One of the kids he fell in love with about ten years ago was Madona Bazile. I loved watching him search her out at church today and the way his face brightened when he located her and her mom. Of course Madona is no longer a little kid. She is in her final year of nursing school and working full time at the Be Like Brit orphanage.

Gama translates for Pastor Dan Lee

Don and Madona

Lina is here for several weeks. We look forward to getting to know her better and for the help she will offer.

Our churches are almost as excited about our upcoming (Thursday through Sunday) Christian Leadership Academy. We have changed the format a bit this year. The daytime sessions will be only for registered church leaders and pastors (registration is free to them) and will be held at the missionary compound on the Bay of La Gonave. Breakfast and lunch will be served in between sessions. The evening sessions will be open to the public and held at the Thozin campus. Please keep this event in prayer as you think of us. We are expecting dozens of senior pastors from churches throughout the country who are just now learning of our ministry here.

Here are some pictures from this morning’s worship service in Thozin:

Sunday School Sweetie

Chel greets the church

Mr. & Mrs. Ary

church service in Thozin

Pastor Laramie Brown praying at church this morning

church baby

Every now and then something will catch my attention and make me laugh. Here was one such moment…

Who is very the best?

Thank you so much for your continued interest in Mission of Hope International. If you haven’t visited us yet, please consider forming or joining a team to come serve and witness for yourself how the Lord is moving here in Haiti. Contact us today! God bless you!

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