He Guides Us

We are so grateful today for the Lord's guidance and the people that He can count on to follow His direction. A HUGE thank you to fellow missionaries, Bobby Curly and Andrew Sutton, for researching and solving the 3-phase to single-phase issue with our electricity. What a blessing it was to receive the message this weekend telling us that the solar/inverter system was charging and that we had both the 120 and 240 systems working from the generator. God has once again provided in every way. Thank you!
The goats seem to have adjusted well to living in their new home on MOHI's Thozin campus. They have quite a varied diet, which includes fresh leaves. These were provided by Wilson.

Dr. Evens and his staff continue serving our students and community so well in the medical clinic. Bless Back Worldwide has made such a tremendous impact on the quality of care we are able to provide. Thank you, Friends!!!

The dental clinic was in full swing this week. I'm especially thrilled to see so many of our school students finding both education and care in the clinic.

Lex and I were driving around town (Massachusetts) last week and saw a couple of groups of elementary school students walking along the sidewalk. Lex pipes up, "Hey, Honey! Look at those special people over there - presidents, senators, doctors..." I see kids and think, "Awwww. Aren't they cute." What a great perspective he has!
In Haiti, our students have been busy taking exams this week. The teachers always spread them out all over the campus to help eliminate the temptation to cheat, so that's why you see a high school student seemingly alone below.

The school in St. Etienne had a great project to work on this past week. They planted 300 saplings in the area around the school there. In a country suffering so much from deforestation, this is a life lesson that can really impact the future of the country.

Thank you to the Evangelical Church of Fall River (MA) for the barrels they shipped to MOHI in Haiti this month. An extra BIG thank you from Pastor Hakine and the church in St. Etienne for the accordion that was included!

Haiti is once again in the midst of a fuel crisis. Please join us in praying for needs to be met in this area.