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Always Productive

April 2, 2023

2 Chronicles 7:14 shows us how to influence our country and world. We can act on what this verse tells us (and even a promise is attached). Here's what the LORD suggests that each of us does,

  • Walk in humility

  • Pray

  • Seek His face

  • Turn from our wicked ways

Haïti needs us... Our own country needs us... The whole world needs us... to be followers of Christ and not hearers only. Our mission of hope is to do the will of our Heavenly Father.

MOHI's school in Thozin, Grand-Goâve, recognized International Women's Day with a school-wide assembly. Speakers made the children aware of the importance of respecting women and girls and being and encouraged them to discourage violence against them actively.

The students are grateful to continue going to school each day and have high hopes of completing the year despite the MAJOR issues facing the country and its citizens right now. Will you join us in continuing to hold them up in prayer?

They also THOROUGHLY enjoy their soccer team!

Saturdays are full days at the school in Thozin, with vo-tech classes taking place. The sewing class entails both theory and practice. Taylors and seamstresses in Haïti can't just run down to WalMart to buy a pattern, so there's much to learn.

Caregivers are motivated to get the babies to the feeding locations.

Patients continue to come to the clinics to find relief from pain and medications that bring healing from bacterial infections and keep them healthy in the midst of chronic illnesses like diabetes and hypertension.

We were happy to host another school's field trip to our school to see the fish project.

Our gardening efforts in Haïti and the Dominican Republic have synchronized. In Luperòn, we are harvesting from the small, "experimental" garden. (The experiment was very successful!)

In both countries, we are tilling the soil in the large gardens and about ready to plant.

Our staff and their teams in Luperòn have accomplished a lot this week. We're especially excited to now have city water coming to the mission house! For those of you who have already joined us on a Hope Encounter in Luperòn, remember the interpreter named Mayo? Well, Mayo can do way more than speak several languages! He took the water project on - full steam ahead. From filing paperwork to declaring, "there be water here!" Mayo has made it happen. Thank you Mayo and his team!

Bernard (aka Met Ben) continues working with Pastor Miratel and the congregation from the Haitian Baptist Church of Luperòn to construct a building for them to call home. I love seeing the church families come out to participate in the work!

And that wraps up the highlights of the week. Thank you for running to the battle with us! We love our support team (you!)!!! Honestly, I am so awed by our incredible God. HE keeps everything moving forward even when all we can see with our eyes are wind and waves. HE never leaves us! AND HE allows us to be a part of it. I'm so glad you are a part of it, too.


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