Summer Headway
Students and parents came to the schools this week to receive final report cards for the 2021-2022 school year. They also got to hear...
Let's Ship It!
I was going through pictures from last weekend's church conference in Thozin. Although I couldn't be there, looking at these pictures of...
I Cannot Come Down
We celebrated independence this past week with our grandbabies in Massachusetts. I hope all our US friends enjoyed a special time, as...
Joyfully Working
🎼Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere. 🎼Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share.🎼 That seemed like a nonstop song in our home...
Times of Celebration
It was a week of celebrating at MOHI in Haiti. We're grateful for a staff that humbly works together to impact lives and glorify God!...
Rejoicing and Rejoicing
I literally just walked in the door and sat down to write this post. I spent a week in the Dominican Republic watching the Lord continue...
The Blessing
My prayer for you today, from Numbers 6:24-26. Amen! The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be...
Say Something Nice
"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Growing up I thought that was my mother's idea. Google tells me, however,...
Flag Day And Difficult Days
Flag Day is a huge day of celebration in Haiti. There are usually giant parades in each city with children marching and waving flags. ...
My All in All
Today is Mother's Day in Haiti. We'd like to take this moment to wish all the wonderful moms in Haiti, "Bon Fèt Manman!" One of the...